
  1. Personally in the past I’d receive nudes from one night stands. Thus I relate nudes to promiscuity and get turned off when I get a nude from my wife. She doesn’t do it anymore and that’s fine with me. As humans we feel what we feel based on past experiences, generally speaking.

  2. Not a doctor. Your chair and your sitting posture may be partially the cause. You may just be sitting for too long in a bad chair or in a bad position. Pressure on nerves in the lower back can cause goin area pain. This can also be caused by bad circulation (get up and move around more). However, there is usually additional cause like inflammation or injury. Do you have an arthritic condition or have you ever fallen/injured your lower back/tailbone? I’d recommend talking to your doctor and explaining your pain and how your sitting. They might refer you to a rheumatologist or some other specialist. In all likelihood you just need to stand up more often.

  3. Wow wow wow. I sit for more than 10 hours a day. Standing helps a lot. This is gold.

  4. New father here. If I’m blessed with more I hope they help around the house. Your GF is acting like a baby herself. Maybe she’s jealous your changing your sisters diaper and not hers

  5. Sounds like something the average Oklahoman would stand behind 💀😭

  6. The phones that we type on are built with the blood of children suffering in the Congo. Our perception of suffering is so twisted that we’d rather put someone out of their misery than face reality. I can understand the perspective but assisted suicide? It’s a slippery slope.

  7. People will really attacking Islam and get upvotes but if I use the wrong pronouns I’ll get downvoted. Islam is not to blame for Iran or Afghanistans problems. 1- Iran is Shia, a minority of Muslims. 2- first university established on earth was founded by a Muslim woman. 3- algebra was founded by a Muslim 4- medical science was pushed and furthered by Muslims

  8. We don’t need to ban the little entertainment they have. Let’s invest in production companies, screenwriters and actors/actresses back home and change the beauty standards from within!

  9. No one cares. Looks mean nothing, we get old and wrinkled. Promote physical health l, hitting the gym. Majority of women and men are fat.

  10. IMO, call it me a conspiracy theorist. But one of the ideas I had was that Ukraine shot that missile into Poland to provoke NATO into getting involved so that Russia would be forced to spread out its forces so Ukraine can take back all of its territory.

  11. Your understanding of istikhara is incorrect. Istikhara is made so you have no regrets AFTER you have came to a decision. Example: You are trying to buy a car, you have two options that fit your desires but you can’t buy both, you put your trust in Allah perform istikhara after MAKING a decision.

  12. I’ve been doing this for a few weeks. I see more results from this than weight training.. idk why

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