
  1. If so, who taught the ski instructor? God??

  2. This made me laugh out loud. Wayyyy underrated quote.

  3. I can't tell if this falls under lawful evil or chaotic good

  4. "so you're into ugly bitches? is that why you've had your nose up my ass like a fucking dog?"


  6. This is not productive at all, but reading between the lines, what I’m gathering from this story is that the boyfriend is attractive and well endowed. Because this is one of the least romantic Valentine’s Day stories I’ve read.

  7. "I on the other hand, don't prioritise saving as much as he does and i made the silly mistake of buying a mercedes benz as my first car "

  8. What’s weird to me is that he was the one pushing for the hotel room and didn’t book it nor pay for it, and OP would have been much, much better off going home that night, being the one to drive, or borrowing his car in the morning.

  9. I was hoping someone would say this! Slim Charles is the perfect example.

  10. Shhh you’re arguing with people who have never been in relationships 

  11. Grizzly Manor was my stomping ground. Definitely a Big Bear legend. Some of the newer/updated places are:

  12. Came here to see who would mention Oakside. Solid spot.

  13. Nice work! If you had pole tapped before you started you would have gotten out of that pond much more smoothly. But you already know that.

  14. These are human children that you are talking about, taking sponges. You would be prosecuted, probably for assaulting under age people. Over sponges. Sponges. These kids obviously aren't being taken care of or watched by the grownups in their lives. That doesn't mean they deserve to be physically slammed to the floor by Vengeance Boner. They can just give back the sponges or pay the store back for the amount they stole, and get some intensive therapy and supervision so this doesn't happen again. In an ideal world, they would.

  15. In an ideal world, they would be in jail for 30 days.

  16. I, too, am very interested in a few more details of your story. This is wild! Good on you for moving on, but do you know what happened to the baby?

  17. Joey calls it a moo point because its a cows opinion and doesn't matter. Something like that

  18. “It’s like a cow’s opinion — it doesn’t matter… it’s moo”

  19. Honestly, I am of the opinion that everyone should shut the whole lid (not just the seat) after their business is over. Separate the world below from the world above, prevent critters from drinking or falling to Xibalba.

  20. This was my parents’ compromise as well, and I couldn’t agree more. It’s mind boggling that more couples don’t do this.

  21. I hate that I’m always the best skier on the mountain. Everyone looks up to me, asks me for advice. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

  22. Mid-April through September people get a little antsy in

  23. Do you know the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chick pea?

  24. Thats why i like it on a pow day. Everyone on their 78mm wide rental skis cant get to my pow stashes 🙃.

  25. Lookout at Northstar on a pow day is seriously underrated. So many people there never touch their glades, which are excellent. And when most Tahoe resorts are on a wind hold, Northstar is usually still spinning.

  26. In short, a Jerry is someone that has no idea what they’re doing on the mountain. They might have inappropriate gear, and they may break a lot of the written and unwritten rules of the mountain. IMO, a true Jerry differs from the typical inexperienced skier because they don’t take lessons, and they don’t know what they don’t know — they think they’ve got it pretty figured out and will just pick it up as they go without help.

  27. It’s like snus if you’re getting to be an old like me. Nicotine pouch that doesn’t require spitting.

  28. Yeah lmao, I've straight up traveled with pre rolled joints and packs of smokes with a lighter. Haven't been bothered once. Kid must have looked like he still had shit in his britches.

  29. I do not fly without edibles in one or all of the bags I’m carrying.

  30. This is such a well thought out answer. I love your example of 0-9 scale because I think it is spot on. I also think that it’s inherently difficult to judge yourself as a skier unless you can see yourself ski. A lot of folks make the assumption that they’re far better than what they are and then talk down to people they think are less skilled be it in front of them or behind their back.

  31. Well said. I think it’s also different that many or most of us here learned to ski before the ubiquity of cameras, and don’t have picture proof of what idiots we were our first three years.

  32. Were you right underneath a chairlift? That'd be Scott Chute, which is a double black.

  33. Depends on when they skied it — Alpine had no double blacks between when they were acquired by Palisades in 2013 and until Palisades started using double blacks in 2021.

  34. 🖕🏻🖕🏻you see these McNulty, you see em’ ?

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