
  1. I am pretty sure the 67% of the reduced XP just disappears. No one gets that.

  2. Think of Lillia as a Kayle. You trade early ganking power and presence for a stronger lategame. She is not quite as weak as Kayle as you get to scale in peace, but without Liandries or Level 6 you have little to no business in any PvP combat.

  3. It has been live for ~5 hours on EU.

  4. The purpose of having 2 smite charges is so you can keep one for important objectives, and have one for your jungle clear. Use smites often enough so you will never have 2 charges ready, or else you are wasting DPS. (Not always the case, but a good rule for beginners)

  5. Green smite is ALWAYS the best one.

  6. What would ADC's like to face? 5 Yuumi's?

  7. Yeah, IF there is peel.

  8. I mean, when the suppport, jungle, toplane and midlane need to hypercarry because everyone is "terrible and useless", suddenly there is no room for utility in the team :(

  9. You have a really cool and confident voice!

  10. I am packing my bags and starting Duolingo

  11. Splash Art for the TFT unit. Similar to the KDA Superfan Splash Art.

  12. It's only a remake if the AFK is afking from minute 0. If they start afking at minute 1, it will count as a loss for the entire team

  13. Actually, there needs to be 90 seconds of no inputs before 3 minutes to get a remake. I have had people walk into lane, AFK under turret for 90+ seconds and then the game would let us remake without LP loss.

  14. Do not play Yuumi, spectating the games won't teach you anything.

  15. Cute way to say "in maintenance mode" also doing pve cause it's very easy to balance

  16. They are doing PvE because that's all people play.

  17. Soon-ish! Before August is my guess.

  18. How can she be so fast !! 🦌🍃

  19. it's not a static answer since mite dmg scales off time elapsed in game:

  20. And voidmites only spawn every 15 seconds. Also, the damage is difference depends on if you are ranged or not. Voidmites can also be killed off. They also apply the DoT themselves, which is sometimes really useful. Turrets have armor, which needs to be calculated in.

  21. You also have to factor the fact that they can tank turret shots to give your team more time to bash the turret when theres very little minions

  22. Exactly. They have a lot of variables!

  23. Little nervous, since I usually start blue solo...

  24. Why do you start solo on blue buff? Like what are the benefits compared to starting with botlane leash or solo raptors, for example.

  25. One thing to note is that %movement speed is rather weak on Lillia. Your Q passive already gives you ~50-100% bonus movement speed, which is unusual for most champions. Because of this, the extra %movement speed from items stats and the active are less effective on her (Also, soft movement speed cap). A big part which is making this item great is the movement speed and enhanced roam potential.

  26. Hell I’ve been flamed for choosing the literal best and most popular item because the person thought the optimal build was the same as it was a full year ago

  27. My RoA Lillia was ragepinged every other game

  28. Yes, now. But before the new items it was the highest winrate mythic.

  29. Everything is easy to access once you know how to. Visit other areas to learn how the water planet works.

  30. Im more weirded out that you played corki, i havent seen him in at least 6 months

  31. I see every comment not mention this, it's crazy that people go "go intro bots" but don't realise you can face a 40 kills irelia out of nowhere as a new player

  32. New bots have been in the game, what, for a week?

  33. Ugh so cute, but when did swirl seed become a blossom boulder? :/

  34. In the current TFT set she throws a boulder every 3 casts

  35. Thanks, this was bugging me so much with how familiar it was

  36. You remember this one scene that well? I am impressed

  37. Could you give any proof? Sounds wild.

  38. I have seen it get void touched. Right before my eyes. The buff was right there, and gained the void buff at 20 minutes. No need for respawning.

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