
  1. I regret looking. For anyone reading this comment before clicking… please please please proceed with caution. It's somehow worse than I imagined. Those poor sweet children. I hope they are now starting to learn how to love themselves and that they spend their lives now surrounded by people that lift them up and love them.

  2. I was a self-injurer for 25 years (a long time ago), and the scars on my arms looked a lot like that little girls for many years. To know those were done to her makes me angry beyond belief. To be that color white and not purple means they happened close to a year prior. I can’t even comment on her brother’s wounds and their emaciated bodies. I hope there’s some jailhouse justice for them.

  3. I don’t think rich has anything to do with it, otherwise she’d have hired a goddamned maid. Glad she’s an ex. Can’t wait to see her somewhere online as a result of trash hoarding.

  4. Unless the devil decides to uncheck that option in your settings. Be vigilant. 😏

  5. I was like, “Damn, that’s impressive to lose that much cholesterol by cutting it out surgically.”

  6. They make rubber ones for this exact reason. A nail clipper and off they go.

  7. The only metals my daughter can wear are titanium and stainless steel. She doesn’t wear a lot of rings, but has a lot of ear piercings, and her medic alert jewelry I made for her is titanium and stainless steel.

  8. Hoarding disorder is a genuine mental illness under the DSM V. People are saying depression, but from this photo alone as well as some of your replies, I definitely think it's far beyond that. A combination of CBT and exposure therapy are often the best form of treatment, so I'm glad to hear she is getting some support from a therapist, but it is a difficult road to recovery. I wish you guys all the best.

  9. Yeah, hoarding and dealing with a depression house are two different things. I would welcome the help for cleaning the clutter in my basement which is too overwhelming for me to even handle. I wouldn’t even care if ppl just threw stuff/toys away from my kids’ childhood (they’re in their 20s now). I think hoarders want to see every little thing and can’t part with any of it.

  10. Who knew that one column was holding up the entire building? /s

  11. How the hell do you dislocate a toe to the side in shoes without hitting something or stumbling on something while running? So, basically this stuff is a common occurrence in shoes by runners?

  12. I was running on a foam mattress and my toe prolly got stuck in it lol

  13. I do it, too. But I think it's like an idle hands kind of thing. Normally I have something to fidget with while watching stuff. But when I'm ready to go to bed my hand goes down to a spot on my waist where I originally had a pimple. I popped it, and it got a small scab. And I keep picking at it and now it's the size of 2-3 dimes side by side.

  14. And then you don’t let it heal for 3 months. Oh wait, that’s me. For me it isn’t anxiety, it’s something that happened to me that triggered it as a child, and then became a little bit ocd. If it’s not covered.with a bandaid, I’ll never leave it alone—including while it’s scarring.

  15. That would be an invitation to get your ass beat. (Learned from experience)

  16. 10 years for 1st degree murder?? What does it take to get a life sentence in Texas?

  17. Don’t worry, with that belly, he probably has ascites from alcoholism and will be dead in that time if they still make gross alcohol in prison.

  18. They were clearly blocking the road on purpose.

  19. Exactly this. Plus why keep your car door open for this long for no reason when the guy is behind the open door? The two sitting clearly have the other guy open the door purposely and sitting in the road to block. Notice the trailer behind them looks similar to his.

  20. Pumps are worse than manual injection for non-compliant type 1 diabetics. In fact a history of non-compliance is a relative counterindication for pump in adults.

  21. Really? My daughter has T1D and in the beginning she started out not being compliant because she didn’t want anyone to know she was different with checking BG and injections before eating. Once she got her pump and CGM (tandem and dexcom) she was way more compliant and her mood changed by the time she was done with middle school and into high school. She’s now in her 20s. I think the personality disorder of this guy is probably a huge component of this.

  22. It’s always an individually assessed situation, hence relative counterindication. Kids with parents who can monitor and whose non-compliance stems from external factors such as not wanting to be seen as different are different from the kind of patient who’s full of chronic complications already as young adults, keep being admitted due to DKA, and that you know is gonna need a new kidney before they’re 40. When that type of patient claim that they will get better at monitoring/medicating if they get a pump and CGM, you’ll have to do a veeery careful assessment less they get even less compliant and put themselves in mortal danger whenever the CGM probe needs changing or pump needs a refill.

  23. Yes, if you don’t change out the tubing and sensors, you’re even more susceptible to infection as well. I keep forgetting that fact.

  24. That must’ve been terrifying for yall!! I’m so happy you properly trained her afterwards and gave her a second chance. Was your son and dogs relationship the same after that?

  25. Lily sure changed after that. Didn’t happen immediately. My son was a little apprehensive in the beginning, but when Lily kept looking at me instead of him when he gave a command, I would turn my head away. He would repeat the command and she followed it. It took a couple of weeks. After that, the dynamic changed and she never did that again.

  26. That is awesome. I would love to start incorporating the same stuff with my kid and dog. I think it helps so much with respect. Kuddos to you mama ❤️

  27. Would you believe I’m a cat person and the dog was for my youngest daughter? Lol. Wound up loving the hell outta that 110lb pupperz. She was a good dog. She just wanted to eat everyone else. 😂

  28. the last picture here was about t+ 4months then another 4 months to go away completely.

  29. Yes, but im sure this happened because i didnt cut my toenails properly. I suck at cutting toenails, have always irritated me while cutting them. But will be careful now, cuz i dont want this again.

  30. Do you have nerve damage in your feet that prevents you from feeling that sort of thing?

  31. Probably drunk in a second or third floor apartment, passed out and fell off of the balcony onto what looks like a tree support. Got impailed and bled for a bit in a head down position. He woke up, started moving and the pole broke then fell over. He got up now he’s wandering around in the parking lot wondering WTF happened.

  32. I’m trying to figure out how much bowel that is hanging outside. Why the hell hasn’t he called a fucking ambulance? (Edit: The person recording)

  33. Would go well with my motion sensor lights comment.

  34. Motion sensor lights that bounce onto a disco ball on the ceiling. Motion sensor laser show

  35. Imagine the taste and the mouthfeel of that crusty outside and then the gooey squishy center. Plus to top it off the toenail would make for a good toothpick.

  36. I physically flinched and had the worst flashback of a degloving incident (not mine). Thanks for the memories.

  37. FYI, I live in Michigan. I primarily lurk because I only use live resin vapes or chocolate edibles.

  38. Man, who says 'happy cake day' under a comment like that... Is this site another cult?

  39. Do you know what it means? If not, it’s your reddit birthday. A cake slice shows up next to your username for a day.

  40. Yes, I've been on Reddit for about 12 years probably and regardless if one knows or not, it's jarring AF.

  41. I just wondered. Didn’t check to see if you were on Reddit that long.

  42. MRSA doesn’t have a particular “look” except under a microscope.

  43. In the many sections I’ve seen, even on heavy ones, usually lying on the back pushes the stomach up enough. However, I have seen a few where they literally taped the sides up.

  44. My then-husband recorded everything from that side (from a slight distance) in 2002, and all they used in my surgery were the huge silver retractors to pull mine up. I had some bruising on one side of my C-section wound. My daughter was wedged in my uterus tightly at almost 7 lbs and almost needed vacuum extraction. Is that a common occurrence for morbidly obese women with average-sized babies?

  45. Do you have hyperhidrosis?? Dear lord you’re beyond sweaty (moist).

  46. I'm kind of guessing, but I think that the way septic systems work is by having bacteria break down all the solids. If you put bacteria killing chemicals in it, nothing will break down.

  47. Came here to say exactly this. If you dump a ton of harsh chemicals it will cause the natural bacteria from breaking down the waste and will cause it to back up. Costly screen pulling and digging it up. Not good. Vinegar would also work. Weak acids work better against bacteria.

  48. Ever live in a college fraternity? Yeah…guys can be pigs sometimes.

  49. You can't just bite a rag and pinch that bad boy out like you do a sixlet out of the plastic wrapper?

  50. Those things are sharp as hell! They’re not smooth or round at all. It’s why they can scar the kidney and reduce kidney function over time. This is what’s happened to my brother. His kidneys now only have 20% function.

  51. It's absolutely wonderful. I've never been a morning / day person anyway. I will say pre COVID where Walmart was 24hrs was peak. Get off work at 2ish, go shopping and it's peaceful. I miss 24hr Walmart.

  52. I sleep like that already without a job. I blame college 30 years ago.

  53. How does someone not know there’s a maggot colony INSIDE their nose !!!!🤮🤮🤮 man that was nightmarish !!!

  54. One sneeze away from a wriggly thing!

  55. Yeah, I've never been a fan of snorting anything, but now I'm contemplating a line or 2 of Raid just to be safe.

  56. Mmm…nerve damage… Just smell the nerve damage… Lol.

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