
  1. Nina: sees my search history (proceeds to put my ass in the blender with mixups)

  2. like the taunt cancel or the jet upper?

  3. As Karate afficionado Lidia would be an instant main swap.

  4. If I ever have the pleasure to meet that man he gets a cold beer on me for life

  5. Yea, I rather die than take someone with me due to my incompetance

  6. Yeah fr If I'm going down I'm taking someone with me

  7. As a fan of both I am gonna say this depends on the knight bit more than likely the knight. Main reason is knights have ion sheilds and can tank a couple of rounds. Not to mention volcano lances and plasma cannons are no joke and this is assuming it's not a castigator which though more balanced weapon wise thing is gonna be bigger than the frannx

  8. Yeah like I have questions about the knight that the franxx would be facing like what house is it the knight from what weapons does it have and how many weapons does it have

  9. Don't worry bro we e all been in your same situation just keep your head up and keep playing, and practicing you will slowly start to get better a lot of tekken is just knowledge checks like knowing if and how negative a move/string is on block and if it's punishable trust me tekken can be fuckin hard as shit but you just gotta have fun with it

  10. Who the fuck is cutting onions in here bro

  11. Lidia main, currently playing jun but I'm also trying out Paul

  12. From a Redwings fan, im sorry for your loss RIP Ryp I'm sure he was the goodness of boys

  13. This has to be the most moronic thing I've ever seen

  14. To be completely honest I'm more of waiting for more mods to become avaliable

  15. Idk what this dude is talking about she still fine as hell bruh

  16. Bro has ingested the plague of nurgle bruh

  17. Worst one without a doubt oribos. Favorite Boralus without question

  18. I'm not boycotting I'm just poor. It means I boycot almost everything.

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