
  1. I can't tell if that'd make me smarter, or stupider than I already am.

  2. I'd say this is a good example of "a fool and his money are soon parted".

  3. I would bet money that she would call your daughter, "Ella", even though it's not her name. NTA and congrats!

  4. Once you're done with the crack pipe, try using a polishing compound (like Turtle Wax). I use it to clear up my car's headlights and it works like a charm. Use a microfiber cloth to buff it out.

  5. I love my GENERIC NO-NAME EARBUDS. I definitely like the sound quality in the fitness ones better, though.

  6. We had one cat fixed at 2 months old, and the other at 6 months. Neither had any ill effects from it.

  7. Just go ahead and lock your credit ASAP. Assume they're having intrusive thoughts about taking advantage of your situation and they may eventually win. Doesn't mean Mom doesn't love you but plan accordingly and protect yourself. You can contact the major credit bureaus and have theme freeze your credit until you specifically request to unfreeze it. With the kind of wealth you're coming into, credit is just a liability at this point anyway.

  8. Yes, this! I encourage everyone I know to lock their credit down if they don't plan on using it anytime soon. It's easy to do and a huge safeguard for you.

  9. FWIW, it is really uncommon. I've lived/commuted here for 20+ years and it's only happened to one person I know. And it really is just the usual suspects. That guy yelling at a parking meter? Stay out of arms reach. Otherwise you should be fine in the normal tourist areas. If you go someplace that is being gentrified, the calculation is a bit different, less crazies and more groups of kids, but pretty easy to avoid either way.

  10. I'm going to be there with 3 other friends, so I'm not really worried. It's my first time there, and I'm just very excited. ❤️

  11. My fatass, 10 year old tabby still has crazy reaction times when it comes to mice.

  12. I'm not going to call your wife names, but she really needs to get over her whole need for an aesthetic. Your kid is going to end up destroying that room eventually anyway lol. NTA.

  13. Some people just like to get upset over nothing. I applaud you for asking questions.

  14. I've watched The Office a dozen times over. Still can't get through the first season of Parks n Rec 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm trying.

  15. Season 1 of Parks is so very meh. The rest? Gold. Please try it!

  16. I don't ever want to be pregnant again, but I must admit I miss the feel of the kicks and hiccups. ❤️

  17. You miss getting kicked? My wife still complains about getting the wind knocked out of her at 3am and then spending an hour trying to recover from thinking someone tried to kill her.

  18. My kid wasn't very big, so he didn't have a lot of force behind him. He's more than made up for it since then. 😅

  19. My partner has adhd but he would never do that with our pets let alone any kid we would have. Accidentally ignore diaper changes? Maybe. This? Over his dead body

  20. For real. My husband has it and he would sooner die than do something like that.

  21. Btw, I have a dilute calico/tortie myself. Her name is Coraline, and she’s the sweetest cat ever! Also found stray originally.

  22. We had a diluted calico for 14 years. She sadly passed away from cancer several years back. She was sweet as hell to us, but hated everyone else. 😅

  23. I'm getting old. I don't know who both of them are.

  24. Hell, even Megan Trainor has been around for a decade. These aren't even new artists lol.

  25. I'm in my mid-40's and I'm very familiar with both of them. How old are you?

  26. My husband died in December. I'm not inserting myself into intimate birthday dinners with my friends.

  27. HeGetsFucked. That's my opinion on religious bullshit. Your Jesus seems fantastic. Your Christians are hypocrites.

  28. Watch “Drive” my goodness. He barely has dialogue in that film but carries that shit.

  29. That happened like 5 years ago at the library in the town where I work. It was done by a construction worker on accident and caused several thousand dollars worth of damage. The construction company had to foot the bill.

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