
  1. hamas is well funded and has one purpose - disrupting any potential peace. People who think that they're looking for a 2 state solution are either delusional or just silly kids.

  2. What's mind-boggling is that people keep yelling apartheid this apartheid that.

  3. This is actually one of the most disgusting things I’ve read on this website. There are no Jews allowed in Gaza because they don’t want to accidentally maim or disfigure a Jewish person when they get sniped for target practice by the IDF.

  4. America spent $1billion intercepting Iranian missiles in Israel in the last 24 hours…

  5. Is the Iron Dome system effective against drone swarms?

  6. Good. It seems Germany is one of the only countries taking this issue seriously.

  7. I bet Jordan wouldn't mind if Iran's nuclear program is destroyed. Iran is a threat to Jordan too.

  8. By doing and losing money. Expensive lessons but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Maybe profits 🤣

  9. Ebay has gone down the drain. Used to sell a lot on their platform.

  10. Isn’t this the same guy under whose watch US were obliterating wedding parties in Afghanistan through ‘signature strikes’? Fuck this scumbag.

  11. Fucked up phrasing. His body was recovered by the IDF, not willingly returned.

  12. Do you have a source? I've been wondering about the actual death toll and I want to read up on it.

  13. The handoff was done at a library. 

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