

  2. It feels like its referencing for domething but I can't pinpoint what

  3. Also 4 of these pins requiring to buy the battlepass 🙏😭

  4. There are 4 pins in the post, you said 4 of them requiring the bp, which is not correct, because only 3 pins in the post required the bp

  5. I give people things of value at the anomaly, but I have never cheated the items nor do I know how. that's my hard work I'm gifting you and if you don't want it, just pass it on

  6. Did you give someone 10 stasis devices today

  7. I have about ten hours and on my first time on the anomaly I think someone gave me 10 stasis device worth about 156 million units. I don't even care if they have a special use I immediately sold them

  8. Yes, it's best to save up and buy only S class if possible. For the moment, avoid combat if possible until you've got better upgrades.

  9. Ooohh I did not know that! Thanks! About the combat, I'm pretty comfortable with fighting sentinels for credits until the big ship spawns. The anomaly upgrades that drop from the glass thingies sentinels drop have only given me mediocre upgrades at best, so they became a great source of nanos! I already got a few s upgrades for my ship and I'm getting comfortable with dogfighting :)

  10. I'm pretty new to the game. I fought some sentinels earlier and almost died, decided to upgrade my ship weapon. Had enough to afford the S upgrade, but settled for B instead. Seriously? it's a 2 dps increase. Are S and A upgrades the only worth buying?

  11. This is a rip off of Omni Man killing the Guardians from Invincible.

  12. its rotoscoped, it's literally identical. Do you not know what rotoscoping is?

  13. I'm on my first read too and Sol's story almost made me cry 😭

  14. This is not funny and you should not make jokes about this sort of thing

  15. When I first saw the ash twin projection stone that shows all the masks, I thought the third mask that was lit up was somehow linked to feldspar and that dark bramble was wayyy more important to the plot that it actually is since feldspar (a legendary hearthian that's also in a time loop) is there

  16. Depende mucho de la persona si realmente quiere salir de la organización pero considero que para ayudar a alguien es necesario sembrar la duda en esa persona y conocer a fondo como actúa la organización, hay personas que con amor y comprensión en las creencias del otro pueden hacer que este cambié la visión

  17. How i dont have this offer, it's bcs i already at the 7000 cap?

  18. What about the ugly green variant that's worse than the base skin

  19. How’d you like the book and when did you first get to reading it?

  20. I'm not the comment guy but the first book was great, the second book was even better and the third book even better. I love space and everything sci Fi related and if you do too you'll probably love the trilogy as well. I discovered it because I just looked up "best sci Fi books" (wow) and it showed up. Bought all 3 books on Amazon for a decent price

  21. They’re even after that and they’re also not out yet

  22. Oh wow I don't think I'm going to get that far. When does this battle pass end? I bought it exclusively for Korra

  23. Level 200 technically. But to get your 1500 V-Bucks you need to get to level 140 something. Korra unlocks next Tuesday or the Tuesday after that, meaning you can do quests to get her cosmetics.

  24. How long do you usually have to complete the quests ? Do they expire when the season ends?

  25. These kinds of posts are definitely funny, add something positive the sub, and should definitely continue!

  26. I got all the skins I did not want. FootBonnie (I never play Bonnie and it looks awful) poison cap ( I have the BP one and I'm going to buy odin) Teddy bear (I have yeti) Kaiju (I have buzzette) popstar (I have forest) and diy surge (Its worse than the base skin)

  27. Byron. I got gold III FOR HIM RECENTLY!!! :D

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