
  1. Yes but it ends in murder/suicide (spoiler alert)

  2. Or needs their anal gland expressed, which I’d still take to the vet to do (or groomer).

  3. I have concluded I will have to just use an estate agent to sort my mothers‘precious’ items. Beanie Babies and creepy porcelain dolls

  4. I’m just gonna hire some people to bring over a giant construction dumpster.

  5. One of my roommates in college dated a wealthy girl for a while and even as a bystander it was weird. I don’t know how rich you have to be to do this, but they self-insured their cars so they weren’t required to carry insurance. I remember she totaled her BMW and had a new Maserati in less than a week.

  6. Go lurk in the sub I linked and tell me if they exist? Theoretically, I think. lol. It’s probably rather rare though.

  7. An economist from George Mason in Virginia came out with a study using totally bogus assumptions to try to promote placing the Wizards/Capitals arena in Northern Virginia. Some "experts" will say anything for money. Integrity is cheap. 

  8. George Mason’s Econ department is basically the only one in the US that takes Libertarian Austrian Economics seriously. They’ll bend over backwards to lick corporate balls.

  9. Sassafras roots taste like root beer (sarsaparilla), but the leaves, which are made into file, smell like Froot Loops when fresh and just generally herbaceous when ground and sold as file.

  10. My wife and I are both neurodivergent, and honestly it brings us closer together. We’ve talked at length about how much easier it is to just be ourselves around each other because we both know what the other person is really feeling/expressing when they’re being “weird” lol.

  11. This is why I have a Fender Champ. There is one knob for volume and it sounds great. I love having my Super Reverb and pedal board to dial in more specific sounds, but sometimes I just want to plug straight into the Champ and not think too hard about it. 

  12. lol I have a silverface champ and lately I’ve been thinking “why do I need these bass and treble knobs?”

  13. Yeah but what about Link’s vagina bones? Did he forget about that controversy already??

  14. I showed it to my dad who is named Paul and his response was “Why would you ever want anything other than More Paul?”

  15. The Gentlesirs back in my day would have noticed that her knees are too sharp.

  16. He was against it for as long as he believed the bill to be dead, but once it was probably gonna pass, he did a 180.

  17. Surprisingly, Nerdville. JoBo ran up against term limits. They’re looking into annexing Dorksborough, Weenietown, and Geek’s Creek.

  18. Not everyone has those though, so some of us need an altoids tin.

  19. Logically, you can’t prove that something doesn’t exist. It’s where the term “black swan” comes from. OP should just point that out and then ignore her.

  20. Right. The point is that they were thought not to exist, but then someone found one.

  21. I really think you should go out to a nice guitar shop and spend some time playing a bunch of $3k guitars. Maybe you’re actually more of a PRS guy, or Gretsch, or Bilt, Veritas, Mondell, or any number of other boutique brands. But you have a TON of amazing options at that price, and it sucks to spend several grand on a guitar that you end up not loving.

  22. Totally agree with your point of view! Thanks for your input!

  23. Also, I would really recommend checking out used gear. New gear rarely holds its value, and used stuff is generally just as good (if not better in some cases). And $3k will go a LOOONG way on a used guitar, especially if you’re willing to wait for a great deal.

  24. Bass and drums certainly can adjust their volume. Not sure the guys you jam with

  25. A drummer can literally just stop hitting things lol

  26. The Silver Sky has been PRS’s biggest seller for a few years at this point

  27. “Caramelize these onions in 20 minutes”

  28. Stevie Ray Vaughan’s version of Little Wing (and just SRV in general)

  29. Truffle flavour ruins food. Truffle fries, truffle oil on pizza. It’s supposed to be fancy and elevate meals but truffle anything tastes worse than without truffle.

  30. Honestly if I see truffle fries on a menu I just assume the entire restaurant is mediocre and over priced.

  31. He's also apparently taken less naps than every woman ever because he works so hard:

  32. Simple Minds guitarist Charlie Burchill, and U2's guitarist David Evans, use Gretsch guitars a lot.

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