
  1. Mach en Privatkredit anstatt Leasing, de bisch nid ane Leasingvertrag bunde. Aber wahrschinlech scho z spat…

  2. Bi Schadefäll chunts oft eher uf de Experte druf a… bi de mobiliar hani mal mega Striitfall gha weg em ne Experte wo umsverecke druf bestande het en fremd verursachte Parkschade mit Fahrerflucht wär mis Eigeverschulde gsi. Zwei Jahr spöter hani de Name vo dem biiläufig im Gspröch mit em ne Garagist erwähnt, und de het de Expert kennt, het gseid de sig i de halbe Schwiiz bekannt defür das er immer d Schuld uf d Chunde well schiebe… 🤷‍♂️

  3. I would center the player and receiver (?) inside of the tv lowboard, they will have better cooling.

  4. Funny how people say to wait for a ps5 pro. I‘ve made the same comment a month ago and got lots of downvotes. 😂

  5. It's called spoofing. Other people fake-use your number to do malicious calls. There is nothing you can do. (Except changing your number if it annoys you)

  6. You absolutely can do something about it. Call your provider, they have measures against it (good luck with sunrise).

  7. Sure, let a stranger decide who doesn't know what you might like better. These threads are kind of pointless (and seem to be very popular this week). Buy the one you think you'll like more.

  8. This looks so sad and without any feeling for cooking at all.

  9. What‘s with the pile of stuff? You need furniture… and maybe get rid of some stuff…

  10. Unless it's a leasing on a company account / name, it will not reduce your taxes. I would stop taking advice from your "accountant" maybe.

  11. This reminds me of a story from the 5th grade. A girl found a two-hundred note in the corner of the gym. Imagine... 200 francs at the age of 10... You'd be a millionaire! She handed it to the teacher though. About a week later, the teacher gave her a 20-franc finder's fee in front of us all. This taught us that honesty pays off. Or something like that. I still don't understand the moral today.

  12. You‘ve just written out the moral of it! Do you not understand it?

  13. They absolutely do not care about your cancellation. Someone else has probably just bought a subscription at the samd time you’ve cancelled…

  14. AIM MX2E dashboard - makes a world of difference

  15. It’s absolutely normal to have snow sometimes in april in Switzerland. Google it.

  16. As an American, I'll tell you a secret... . . . . . . . . Paper plates don't require cleaning.

  17. In other words: You are lazy and like producing waste.

  18. Everything humans do produces waste. Waste water from washing, waste from food scraps, waste from food packaging, etc. Besides... if recycling worked, it wouldn't be a problem... right?

  19. What I don't like about Lindt is that fact that they present to be a Swiss brand, when in fact lots of the chocolate that you can buy from them in Switzerland is imported from Germany or France. But of course there is a Swiss price.

  20. I often check the packaging when i buy Lindt chocolate in Migros or Coop. EVERY single one of them was / is always produced in Switzerland… and i’ve bought thousands of them.

  21. I’m 43 years old, born and grew up in Switzerland. Lindt blue milk chocolate and the hazelnut version of it are my favorite chocolate.

  22. https://www.google.com/search?q=auto+verkaufen&rlz=1C1CHZN_en&oq=auto+ver&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBggDEEUYOTIHCAQQABiABDIGCAUQRRg8MgYIBhBFGDwyBggHEEUYPNIBCDQyMDdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

  23. I went from MX-5 to AP1 S2000, then Opel Speedster Turbo (Lotus Elise S2), then to Lotus Exige V6.

  24. Das Föteli isch us de USA und die dörfted all rechts verbi fahre wenns Lust hätted? I de Schwiiz darfsch übrigens au rechts verbi fahre, nur nid überhole (grad nacher wieder uf di link Spur).

  25. So obbis hani no nie ghort. Im Ernst, mer cha rechts dra verbii und denn grad links ubere?

  26. Nei, gnau lese bitte... Du chasch rechts verbi, aber darfsch nid grad wieder links übere, susch gilts als rechts überholt (was nach wie vor verbote isch). Muesch nachdem verbii bisch chli warte und wiiter uf de rechte Spur fahre bevor wieder nach links wechsle chasch.

  27. Uf jede Fall sicher nid mit Bier! Gopfertami nomal!

  28. It really doesn‘t have better picture quality. I own an UB9000, so i have no need to talk bad about it. It doesn‘t have better picture quality.

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