
  1. Triple H would be better in that case. He's not an actor but he'd get Kratos' intensity down.

  2. lol everyone in wrestling is an actor.

  3. I've gotten dozens of similar messages, except purporting to be from the Dems trying to get me to "Save America from Trump!" Crap like "If you don't click this sketchy link to say you're pro-Biden we will mark you down as a Trump supporter!" I don't think these are actually even politically related at all; I think they're just bots from scammers who are probably not even in the US. Every single one I get has a link they try to convince me to click. I will block and report and then I'll get another one from a slightly different number a couple of hours or a couple of days later.

  4. Yeah, these could just as easy be phishing bots. And honestly that’s a great scam idea. So many people will just click it.

  5. Considering how much actual spam comes from the legit political sources, it’s gotta be easy to blend in. Pretty smart scam compared to most.

  6. Ngl I thought you were gonna walk into the fire.

  7. I was on her side when shes talking about having to drive back through drive through, but she lost me when she started the 'don play wit me bro' and doing the clappy thing.

  8. Her insta name definitely fits.

  9. Absolutely can’t stand when anyone in a heated situation just repeats themselves like this.

  10. This is segregation and racism at its finest. I can't believe that a fellow human is being denied access to certain parts of the West Ba.. I mean campus.. shameful apartheid campus

  11. You’re good. Just a Bojack moment for me where what you said and what I responded to didn’t really acknowledge that so I felt compelled to throw it out there.

  12. Boom. Roasted. Wait, wrong show.

  13. Ma’am. I’m asking you to please leave.

  14. Same here, but mostly because I had the car shipped in from Orlando so I wouldn't have to pay the TLH markup. Now it needs service outside my skillset 4 years later, and there is nowhere in town safe to take it.

  15. Woof. What’d you get? Something European?

  16. Subaru. Not difficult to work on, just no trustworthy place to take it.

  17. That’s funny, the car I got from them was also a Subaru.

  18. There's one on the wall at work. I've never seen anyone who couldn't figure it out. Including a recent hire who's in his early 20s.

  19. You mean people can figure out “put finger in slot and rotate until call is placed” without training??? I am shocked.

  20. Get some staples, eh? That's my favorite off-brand Japanese monster battle restaurant!

  21. Yeah staples. Food, drinks, fun; staples. Yeah we got that.

  22. Fuckin hilarious. Would pay to watch you in person. I wouldn’t drive too far for it. And yknow if I had other stuff to do I wouldn’t cancel that but if you were in my town and the tickets were reasonable, I’d think about coming out.

  23. I’m in Tallahassee. You come here and I might tell my friends that may or may not be on crushed up and rehydrated meth to ride their alligators to come see you. I assume based on this clip that were you’re target demographic.

  24. If this leads to more ticketing of red light runners then great, going across town you see so much dangerous driving. I had a TPD suv behind me as a guy went through my green with green arrow with no worries and no reaction from the cop.

  25. As an insurance adjuster, driving around this city just makes me stressed for more work.

  26. A separation of job and life is important, these things are outside your control :)

  27. Oh I know. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t lead to more work for me. And I’m reminded of my job every time I go driving.

  28. Well you report it. Kinda looks the color of the pinto beans. No matter what bag it came off of, you gotta report it.

  29. A bike is treated as a car. He had the same responsibility to slow to avoid a collision. Instead he veers in front of her. Had a collision happened at that point, they’d both be at fault. And with the evidence of the video, I’d argue that he’d be more at fault.

  30. Yeah, saw you got downvoted and just wanted to add on to what you said.

  31. To me, that doesn't even qualify as dancing. Maybe I'm old, but it looks like they're just stringing together a bunch of unrelated poses in sync with each other. It's not even interesting, innovative, or entertaining.

  32. Yeah, my first thought was that it looks like they could use the extra reps from the people interrupting because they aren’t in sync enough to warrant them filming like this.

  33. Well thats awkward because I don’t want anything to do with him but I also don’t want him to go to the Cowboys or Eagles.

  34. Just read something over in the eagles sub that stated they thought about bringing him on but didn’t because they still like Nick, bb doesn’t train successors and probably wouldn’t be around more than 2 years.

  35. I’m just repeating what I read.

  36. I was probably just as cring when i was their age, thank god the internet wasn't around to remind me of it for the last 30 years.

  37. I mean, I get where you’re coming from but when I was their age neither I nor anyone in my age group was talking about style. We were mostly playing Pokémon and other things. Obviously the trendy vernacular changes but we weren’t worried about how we looked. My issue with this video isn’t what they’re saying but what they’re focused on.

  38. What's really cringe is some Gen Z 20 year old posted this in between tipping Amoranth 3000 bits and eating Tide Pods.

  39. Got Malcom’s signature after a preseason game when he was with us. Nice guy.

  40. You’re missing people not understanding the most obvious jokes ever and people “not understanding” bigoted comics/memes

  41. Yeah, this is my actual issue with that sub. I had to mute it and all the other subs that are the same thing. It’s a thinly veiled way for people to repost popular memes and gain karma from it.

  42. Am I the only one who read the title like “whistle while you work”?

  43. I get where you’re coming from but they are only referred to as gekko as far as I remember. Now if you had said metal gear ray, I’d be on board for a discussion.

  44. Blaster Master on NES when I was around 10. Called the 1-800 number in Nintendo power magazine to get hints. I got in so much trouble when the phone bill came 😂

  45. Did the same thing with a couple spots on majora’s mask. Mom was not happy.

  46. I don’t blame your landlord, because I understand the situation insurance has increased 100% from last year…

  47. My homeowners insurance went up enough to add a little over $100 a month to my mortgage.

  48. Nestle is a horrible fucking company. Their impact on underdeveloped nations is on a catastrophic level. All just to sell more formula.

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