
  1. Today is a good day for absolutely no news and more shareholder value destruction! go team!

  2. AV is possibly the worst hire MVIS has done ever.. and that is an understatement when looking back at all our old CEOs..

  3. I obviously bought a bit of LAZR 2 days ago as a hedge being the savvy investor that I am. You honestly can't write how shit I am at this..

  4. I did they same thing. 10000 shares of MVIS. Just bought 100 shares of LAZR recently. I think if we sold our MVIS shares the price would skyrocket lol

  5. I feel like I'm in the Truman show sometimes and everyone at home watching is having a right laugh at my misfortune 🫠

  6. We get purple sprouting brocoli growing in the UK around this time of year and it's naturally purple. Looks the exact same when I blanch it too. (I'm a chef)

  7. OEMs don’t care about MVIS shareholders, I can guarantee that.

  8. I will never understand one AH will have 1K traded and the next 100K. It just doesn’t seem organic in any way. You don’t drink 1.2 beers on Friday and 73 beers on Saturday. It’s just the MMs doing their weird crap imo.

  9. Pretty sure the investor asked "can we expect a deal in q1" and your CEO said "Yes".

  10. CFO said yes and was hastly retorted by Sumit who said that they are at the mercy of OEM timelines and that things can change on a dime.

  11. My cars in the garage getting a clutch repair that's going to set me back £700.... no shares for me this week! Keep up the good fight guys and gals

  12. I'm 70 shares away from 3000 shares. Never in a million years thought I would own 3k but here we are. The final stretch. Once more unto the breach my friends.

  13. Pull the trigger and get those last 70, it’s only about £100! Bargain!

  14. I've been buying a lot these last few weeks. im tapped out until next week then ill round up to 3k!

  15. Crispy leeks or shallots. Or you could deep fry the 'roots' of the leeks too. They crisp up lovely

  16. It's always darkest before the dawn. Unless you're blind. Then it's just constant darkness. 😅

  17. This is what people on real financial websites are saying about recent Microvision activity.

  18. Listening back to the CC it sounds like when AV said we still expect deals this quarter, he knew exactly what the plan was regarding a fresh ATM and he knew a deal (or more) hinged on it but SS reigned him in for obvious reasons as he is clearly a cautious guy. I've been here a while and this just feels different. There's an electricity in the air, and it's not just because the Rock is back wrestling.

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