
  1. They sectioned you off as they likely fear you are vulnerable in your current mental health state. Take your medicine, listen to what the doctors say (they have your best interest at heart), and everything will be okay.

  2. This is the forth time I've been sectioned, these peopke do not have my best interests at heart

  3. read the illuminatus trilogy by Robert anton Wilson, it will probably make yoou crazy but it's worth it

  4. Myopic is not what I mean here but if you know anything about the nature of observation you will understand that it's almost impossible to truly observe.

  5. I know it's been some time but has any insight come from what was said here??

  6. I've always thought that it should be mandatory for psychiatric doctors who are prescribing medication to have sampled the drugs that they are dispensing

  7. Yes, it would give them a better perspective of what we go through rather than relying on a professor or textbook to tell you how we feel. I used to be funny I used to be witty I used to be able to think on the spot and all of that is pretty much faded into non-existence I still have moments of clarity but I feel trapped in a foggy state of mind I can't escape.

  8. I was all those things you mention before psychosis and for a long time I felt numb and zombiefied

  9. I stopped my antipsychotic combo today. 400mg seroquel + 200 mg amisulpride. Suffering began already. I am hopeful I am doing good too my future self. Let's hope I don't get manic & psychosis in this journey.

  10. Not an option he has a good life with me and I enjoy his company

  11. Later is too late so free yourself NOW from your addiction and allow yourself to perceive a life without habits

  12. You're both equally wrong and right, those two polarities don't really come into it too much but he's completely wrong in saying you can't have psychosis and know it.

  13. I deeply wish to caress this crack with some fistjammers!

  14. I've heard tell of people in similar situations as this.

  15. You're absolutely correct here, you're going to have to want it and then work at it

  16. Let me apologise that you're currently feeling unwell.

  17. Something that helped me to develop a flow state while writing and also improved my calligraphy is ball in a cup and kendama, still forget to put the lids back on the pen though

  18. Hi M34 here I'm interested in exchanging email with you for two reasons

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