
  1. These posts actively target and make a joke of the struggles that the communities I am a part of face. It’s not funny. Telling someone to simply not read the joke doesn’t mean that it will go away. At the end of the day normalizing these kinds of jokes make people think it’s ok in real life to. And that’s when people start making those comments to me. And then it’s more than just comments.

  2. It depends on the joke and even then people have different humour, I don't mind jokes about most things, especially when it's something something experience or experienced. If it's really bad and fudged up then I'm sure people will call them out, could you list a joke for me that offended you?

  3. The r*ping you straight jokes, the “every man’s dream is a lesbian” jokes, the “you just haven’t found the right man” jokes. Attack helicopter jokes, Neo-pronoun jokes, you’ll never be a man jokes, straight pride jokes, literally any jokes that target the queer and trans communities

  4. Yeah those are bad, joking about someone never being thier gender is harmful. I was thinking more jokes about maybe smth like that joke about all those men wishing all women were attracted to them, thier wish being granted and then the last dude wishes they were all gay, because I find that harmless to be honest but yeah some of the things you've listed aren't great but all your doing is making more trolls happy, people will see you being uoset and continue to do it worse

  5. Forcing a child to volunteer at a place for underprivileged youth is messed up. People aren't zoo animals and shouldn't be used to teach privileged brats a lesson.

  6. I think it's fair because then the child could understand maybe hard work or maybe depending she might even see how lucky she is for whay she has, she might see how much she has compared to other people

  7. But if someone expects and wants an apology it doesn’t really feel like one. Ur just forcing it out of someone.

  8. If someone expects an apology then clearly you've done something wrong they should expect an apology for.

  9. I don't assume irs ok to do in others houses, it's always polite to ask first but in my house I don't wear super muddy shoes on carpets, I wear shoes everywhere without a carpet. Carpets are off bounds.

  10. Well normally people can get a bit of hate over things like this and normally no posting identifying information is a rule but it's not for this subreddit for some reason. I woukd rather people not get hate over this. Regardless of whether they are wrong or not, it could be a child behind the screen.

  11. this isn't some massive subreddit, the worst that they could get is an extremely rare chance of like one message

  12. It'd It'd 200,000 people, that's a lot for me and that means hate there's a good chance of quite a few trolls in here

  13. Maybe try period underwear? It feels like normal underwear, they’re very comfortable and great for sensory issues!! I have trouble wearing pads, so I use period underwear instead and it’s great. If it’s super light, it should work. Good luck!

  14. Wait that's a thing? And it's just as comfy and like regular underwear?- I've gotta look into this, I don't really like pads either and if it's good for sensory issues then it's a plus

  15. yes!! they’re a bit thicker than normal underwear but it’s not a huge difference at all. they have some that are boxer styled too! saves me a lot of money and discomfort from pads :)

  16. I'm looking into these, I don't like pads much and they sound pretty nice, thanks!

  17. Ok so I'm okay with people not gifting AS LONG AS it's discussed beforehand. If one side is gifting, it's an asshole move to not give anything at all .

  18. Yeah I was on about especially in these times, when someone gets a gift for someone and doesn't get one back, especially with no good reason.

  19. My advice would be to talk to your mum after your sister has left, and try as much as possible to be brief and restrained.

  20. This needs to be top comment, it's got amazing advice, I will remember about ending the conversation early to stop people getting defensive, I hope op does update this with what happened and how it went

  21. OP is the parent and isn't acting like it. She's reacting to secondhand infirmation. That's childish. And taking such drastic action on secondhand information is total AH behavior. Banning her DIL is absolutely going to drive a wedge between her and son. It'll definitely make son think twice about telling mom anything about DIL again. Plus, if OP is right, she's not exactly punishing DIL, just son and cutting off her own nose. AH behavior.

  22. She should punish the son for not defending his siblings. He needs to be punished that for it, it's not ok. It's not ops job to check every little thing especially when she should be able to trust her son not to lie about things like this. Would you rather the dil be allowed over even tho the Foster kids make her so uncomfortable she can live there for 4 months but not stay for one day, she caused the issue. It's not ops job to go behind her grown son to make sure he isn't lying. If he's lying then the wife can clear it up with op.

  23. Hahahah. You sound like you're 14. Punish her grown son? Wth?

  24. You do punish adults, just not in the same way you punish children, or adults it's more cutting contact, limiting contact and not allowing them into the house. Would you rather adults be able to get away with everything?

  25. No but he's obviously not celebrating christmas

  26. Everyone has parents whenever they left u or not is not my problem

  27. Well I feel both, like I said I've had not a great couple of days, especially yesterday amd that was Christmas eve

  28. U should ask your mom if u can take a quick nap and be kind and gentle in your tone tell her what u told us here.

  29. I honestly don't think she would listen, I'll try it but especially since we have friends coming over amd I tend to be hard to wake up when I'm asleep, this has helped thanks

  30. I'm struggling with my sexualoty right now so I would rather not get involved in anything and I'm just enjoying being by myself

  31. It doesn't happen to me either rrally but I haven't exactly made loads of posts with my gender so.

  32. She said she didn't want to be rude and tell me to go. She also said that I took that time away from her and I should've known since she told me earlier

  33. Well she's being rude imo. She can't gt mad at you for not reading her mind. What does she want you to do? Mahically realise she doesn't wanna talk despite all the signs pointing to her wanting to talk?

  34. It might just be me since I tend to reinforce the idea of "tell me whem you don't wanna talk and I'll leave you alone " with my friends but her anger is unjustified and she can't get mad at you for not reading her mind. She needs o communicate if she doesn't wanna talk.

  35. I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

  36. Well I had assumed it meant talking bad about him but i haven't done that and that's all i I think of it meaning

  37. If he's reading your messages, leaving you on read, and talking about you behind your back, then he's trying to get a reaction from you and manipulate you.

  38. I think both genders could get utis from it but I don't know, all i know is I've been told that and I got a uti so i assumed that was the reason

  39. Koga seems like a fun older role model, whether it be a cousin or brother

  40. This is not a breach in any way shape or form. We think it is because that's what we're taught. The standard of behaviour is to be kind to anyone regardless of any action taken against you or any perceived action taken against you. Now that comes to varying degrees. Sometimes being kind looks like walking away from a situation for an undetermined amount of time.

  41. You don't date friends or families exes because 1. That ex could have hurt them. 2. It'll be awkward. 3. It just feels rude, like your waiting for an opportunity to come in and swipe them. If you have permission it's OK but in cases like this, where it will be this awkward. No it's not ok.

  42. Too lazy to take .5 seconds to hide a username, but not too lazy for a three paragraph post and two replies to every comment.

  43. From two replies per comment to two posts of the same thing. You really are demented.

  44. Sorry for the late response, my reddit broke yesterday but your the reason i posted the photos, you said it didn't add up so.

  45. A boy wearing a skirt isn't gay, doesn't make him gay either, even if it did, so what?

  46. Then don't, I only posted this because a guy thought it was wierd I wrote three paragraphs but didn't use any screenshots as evidence so I did it for him to see, it's a long post so don't read it if you don't want to

  47. Oh you have to resort to mother jokes. Yeah thsi is done, I'm not gonna bother if your gonna start with all the toxic 12 year old stuff like "yeah well I fucked your mum".

  48. Not a joke, just a reference to her laughing in your face twice.

  49. Oh I get it, you've got such a sad life you have to pick on a kid, thanks tho, I'm sure I'll find somewhere to post this for karma at least.

  50. It's literally a video of that artist who cuts paper and it looks like people. I'm so confused as to why he commented that

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