
  1. even if it did take that long, which is fucking insane to believe, it takes a long time in those countries because people can actually afford to see a doctor instead of just treating it at home/hoping it goes away

  2. Right. In the US it's a common thing to say "oh I'll wait a few days to make sure it's nothing I'm sure this weird bump on my wrist isn't anything important"

  3. Damm! Your a great artist! And the void sona looks great too! I can't wait till I get art of it

  4. How is it fun to just avoid the killer the whole game? Don't you want chases?

  5. See this is why I play dredge. Because I never have to worry about survivors in lockers! If if they do go in a locker i get a free hook!

  6. Sekiro is immortal… He can just fight over and over till he wins

  7. If I remember correctly. Death doesn't actually exist in elden ring does it? It was taken put of the elden ring and put into malikeths blade which while a few shards were stolen the law of seath still doesn't exist. Right?

  8. It shouldn't be considered doxxing if you point out what someone said on a public forum as themselves. They revealed their own identity when they said it.

  9. Well, there is a similar greatsword, the Sword of Milos. It restores 5FP instead of 4FP (even when inactive, just like Sacrificial), and builds bleed when you do hit with it. However, it's heavier than the Sacrificial Axe which is only a small handaxe, and Milos can't have its ash of war changed so it becomes less suitable for carrying a utility ability.

  10. Sure. So long as it's faster then a greataxe. But sorry to ask. Is there anything else? Doesn't have to regen fp. Think the spider fang from ds2. While it's a rather shit weapon if you use the strong attack you can slow down your enemies! So I'm mostly looking for weapons with secondary effects that even if the weapon isn't good. It's really good for...say movement or whatnot. Maybe it has the same effects as say a spell you know?

  11. Mmm, interesting conundrum. There's a few weapons with special heavies like Ruins Greatsword, and there's plenty of weapons with unusual properties like the Ripples, but fitting your description as a small utility weapon...

  12. I mean I don't like blocking (and no I've never watched a hpbommerguy video) so that's why I use small shields tk parry easier. Cause parrying is really fun!

  13. You can terminate any connection as long as it's not the connection to my ass, UwU 🤭

  14. It’s possible. But spells are not that great sadly.

  15. Its raimes (the fume knight) great sword melted with her great shield. They got melted together after she met nadalia. Raime agreed to serve her and so she became disfigured and lived to protect nadalia and the iron crown from being taken

  16. They don’t need a damn remake, just 60fps patch

  17. No no. We need a pc port! All i wanna do is just mod in an estus flask. That's all I'm asking!

  18. Only reason I know this is because of Russian Badger's video

  19. The only interesting thing about guns I care to remember is that the same people who make toasters and washing machines make high caliber miniguns that go on top of helicopters

  20. Hey it's not MY fault I'm willing to give up my humanity to an eldritch and or demonic being to ascend beyond the limits of humans!

  21. Stealth is really fun! One time in the garden of joy there was this vault spot that I was able to crouch behind and the killer just kept walking past me! Since i was crouching he couldn't see me despite me being right next to him. Besides my main strategy for gens is

  22. So you want the killer to let you heal & reset so you can go get on a gen lol. It sounds like you’re poo poo at survivor. You’re probably the type of survivor to get hooked in basement & immediately heal in basement after getting unhooked when the killer is nearby & raged when the killer comes back to basement to down you

  23. Hey what's the point of the basement? Other then just being a place where the killer has a lot of power?

  24. Well, it primarily is a place where many killers can get a decent advantage if they find a hook there, but it's a risk reward scenario as well. A completely guaranteed chest spawn and one of the consistently strongest pallets on the map (usually, even when not connected to a shack, e.g. Midwich) means it's also a resource survivors can use at the risk of being hooked on really good killer hooks if they mess up.

  25. Ah ok. Cause as a dredge player all i know about the basement is everyone who goes there is a fool for thinking they're safe. Long as I have my worry stones at least

  26. I was always super careful to not draw attention to it. I wouldn’t want my kid growing up with an ice pack fetish he doesn’t know where it came from.

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