
  1. That’s awesome! They are fun way to keep kids engaged during a long sedar

  2. I haven't violated the sacrament of marriage, so no I'm not a hypocrite in this case. I can see clearly to see the abomination in your eye.

  3. You’re funny, haha. One who professes a moral high ground but clearly from their post history displays a clear love of money, something the Bible talks at length against. But no, go ahead and use a couple of vague references in your magic book to justify your hate. J-Dawg would be proud

  4. I live in a trailer and can't afford a car. I walk to work every day, watching everyone else drive to work because they aren't a single millenial living just above the poverty line.

  5. The M5 computer, Control from Discovery, and the Texas class make 3. For some reason, I thought there were more, but I might have just been thinking of something else.

  6. There is a computer controlled dreadnought in Star Trek Into Darkness that Khan takes control of

  7. Honestly I am ok with LD ending. The characters are being promoted and growing, they simply can’t remain lower deckers without stagnating their growth or switching to a new main cast. Too many times they have regressed Mariner. Let them grow up - I would love to see a show or movie that shows where they are 5-10 years later as they become upper deckers.

  8. As well as this false narrative that to avoid becoming fat you should eat less fat. So all these “fat free” foods which were loaded with carbs flooded the market.

  9. Yeah. And what really sucks is that the men love being tiny. Same with most of the women in this fetish.

  10. It comes back to about 80% of people being submissive. Being a giant/ess is really a dominant expression. What really drives me crazy is people who want to “top from the bottom” or tinies who just objectify their giant. Most “mants” do this. As someone who likes to imagine themself in the “giant” role. Thankfully I am out of that rat race as someone happily married. I do make art that satisfies my tastes

  11. Two spoiled brats continue to be spoiled. Wahhh I can’t sacrifice any of myself for a child

  12. I mean...is them keeping the child, resenting it, and treating it like they resent it better?

  13. This isn’t a puppy that they underestimated the work required to keep. This is a human being. How would it feel if your parents felt it was more important to be workaholics rather than keep you?

  14. That would be a nah for me dog. If you can’t afford to pay your employees then you ain’t hustling enough. Get on the grind

  15. I've only met one person in my life whose name is Arvin. I said, "Huh. That's also a city in California." He said, "Yeah, my parents just arrived from India and they were driving down to L.A. and saw the name on a freeway sign. They liked it, so they named me Arvin."

  16. Iron-Man, the hero who’s killed more heroes and innocent people than he has villains

  17. Yeah Mr. Friendly Fire - no doubt like all those arms he was selling. Gosh he is such an unlikeable prick

  18. I wouldn’t underestimate the amount of radiation coming off an industrial piece of equipment coming off an unmanned space vehicle that exploded

  19. What? I don’t know what’s worse - your English or your science…

  20. My English and science are better than yours I promise

  21. I guess this is how we know that a lot of our politicians are pedophiles or protecting the ones who are.

  22. For instance, think about other topics like rape - if media couldn’t talk about it at all, then some media that exposes the horrors of it would also be prevented

  23. I'm sorry, but this is a false dichotomy, slippery slope argument. It's the kind of argument about the kind of topic that would cause most people to consider said argument maker just a little bit sus.

  24. I’m not proposing an either/or; rather, I am just pointing out that this would be difficult to draw a box around.

  25. fucking despicable, we have proof of this time and time again yet we still have chuds in the comments saying ‘uhmmmm we need more context!!!’

  26. We have a video that can be interpreted many ways. I don’t know the greater context here, nor do you. Clearly the video’s author has a bias. It looks like the video of a landlord evicting a tenant.

  27. Do you really think they will let you enter a synagogue? Lol

  28. Yes, as a Gentile spouse of a Jew we welcome non-Jews. We also frequently have kids from the local college come to observe services as part of their world religion class. We try a few times a year to hold educational events in the community too.

  29. My conservative friend is so mad about this and all I can do is shrug.

  30. What does he think they are trying to conserve? It’s cheaper for the market to let the workers suffer.

  31. He'd never be able to comprehend the sentences you just said. It would break his brain. He's literally the dumbest guy I know.

  32. Wow can’t wait for another “most important election” where I get to choose between the guy who wants to kill Palestinians and migrant children and the guy that wants to do the same thing but harder. I was told Biden would be better because of harm reduction but there’s been practically no reduction in the harm

  33. Well I guess if that is the only lens you want to use to make your decision, then there are no options for you.

  34. Better people think you are a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt- Samuel Clemens

  35. Why would there be a grate like that all the way up on the top? I wonder if there’s a tiny crawl space inside this thing

  36. More than a tiny one. There is an elevator that goes up to a viewing platform in the top of the arch. It’s awesome

  37. impeachment was not a conviction though. it was a vote of non-confidence. you don't have to commit any crime to be impeached.

  38. Also while Trump has not yet been convicted, he has reached a sufficient burden of proof to be arraigned. I am no lawyer, but that has to count for something.

  39. Right after the house impeaches it goes to senate to convict. There isn’t a beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt burden. It is a political process, as is one to prevent potential insurrectionists from taking the helm of a country. How would your ensure they are not bad faith actors?

  40. Why the FUCK would they agree to that?? The hostages are the only thing keeping Israel from blanketing Gaza in mustard gas

  41. I mean it’s not like they haven’t had over sixty years to do it before October 7th 2023. Come on, do you think before you type?

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