
  1. Where are you? Laws are dependent on locality. If you’re in the US: keep it.

  2. Wow, I’d give the State Department a little call. They actually attached something to your papers. I think that crosses a legal line for them.

  3. Do you live in the States or have the ability to travel here? There’s a free anarchistic desert community called Slab City in southern California. Its a public community. Its not a commune or a compound or anything 😆 Its a free place to park your van/bike/bare butt; make camp; and be able to catch your breath — or even start a whole life put there.

  4. I had always struggled with getting to school and thought it was a failing of my character until one day I tried ride-share and my performance at school buoyed up to that of my peers. This actually led me to get evaluated for autism 🙂

  5. This is heading to CIMDL, which definitely requires a multidisciplinary approach. It’s a long, tough road, with a maxillofacial surgeon, oral surgeon, dentist, and psych team members. Patients must be committed to staying 100% clean, which can be made more difficult by the nasal deformity, frequent serious sinus infections, regurg, shame, possible fistulas, ulcerating lesions, self-isolation, and facial pain. It’s an insidious ouroboros, with psychological issues driving the initial destructive behavior and then the physical destructive causing psychological problems.

  6. ive always wanted to be a part of an agenda

  7. I was SA’d almost immediately after I started presenting femme. It definitely fucked with me a lot, and made me question myself. But I had my heart set on medical transition so I saw a therapist and took the steps for HRT, and it took like 6 months before I realized it was the right thing.

  8. 🙏 was thinking it maybe was “suicide attempt” but that didn’t quite make sense

  9. “Your symptoms don’t seem consistent.” Or do you not have the nerve to confront them?

  10. The worst is when they have to take a ride in the van (the Ativan) or have vitamin H deficiency on top of all of that

  11. Yea, patients that you have already agreed don’t need medicine definitely need Haldol and Ativan 🤦‍♀️

  12. K gen X. An ADULT in their mid 20s who does not have their shit together is clearly being enabled by mom. Yes they need to have a reality check

  13. Not having your shit together and homelessness don’t go well together. But if they’re kicked out they might pick up another drug habit that you can use as the next excuse not to care for or teach them.

  14. At some point, that ADULT CHILD is responsible for their poor life choice. I am a mother too and at some point they are autonomous beings. This means that caring for and teaching are more likely to be enabling so they don't have to do better/be better.

  15. Go outside right now and sleep on the street. Then I’ll care what you have to say about homelessness.

  16. Why did they prescribe it again? There are a slew of other antipsychotics to choose from.

  17. You need to steer the conversation into something rich that they’re unfamiliar with so that it requires the work of learning. Then they’ll just mentally tire eventually.

  18. This letter seems personal at first but it’s actually rather general. I think it might be a bedbug letter:

  19. If you can’t nightlife where you are: you need to move somewhere you can.

  20. Do you think this phenomenon makes non-traditional student applications more appealing to medical schools?

  21. I bet you have a firearm within arms reach in the ED in the holster of a fecking cop.

  22. My reply to that statement is… you are correct. It does not cost YOU, but every taxpayer in this county is paying this bill for you.

  23. Thanks! I’ll be out there for a business trip. Flying into Sacramento and taking a rental to Ukiah. Not sure if I can travel an hour away lol.

  24. Raised in Kansas City here — Paseo High School.

  25. The holy water they need, not the holy water they want.

  26. A joke about chemically restraining patients everyone. Just to lighten the mood. 🤮

  27. Being “against medications in general” is a poor health habit. Is it worth telling them that?

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