
  1. Where is the video of his hanging?! They actually published it?!?!

  2. They showed video tapes in court of an unknown individual stabbing two IR forces dead. There was no evidence that he committed homicide. That’s why he was not allowed to have a lawyer and defend himself in court. They were like, “Yeah, you killed these two people. Here’s the video. You are also against God and want to fight him. So you shall die.”

  3. On December 9th at 1 a.m., he was buried in secret by the IR pigs, with heavy security forces guarding the area. They told his family he had died due to self harm.

  4. It would be nice if you could, not spread such false information. First of all, fortunately no kid their age was killed as far as I know, and I’m from Iran. Second, the situation looks quite calm in video, and the kids are safe and nobody was harmed during this video. Thank you

  5. Translated using Google translate, my apologies for any mistake💀

  6. Does that stand for the Islamic Regimes Gay Cops? That's the only thing that makes sense to me

  7. Actually it stands for the Islamic Revolutionary Garbage Corps.

  8. Gay cops just rolls off the tongue better, and plus they would freak out if they're called gay, cause they are super homophobic, but deep down like men.

  9. That is a valid point, we shall go with the Gay Cops then, from now on.

  10. Not sure if you made a mistake or didn't know, but these are Shell/Bullet Casings, not bullets themselves.

  11. Yeah, they were bullets at first. Nothing’s left in them cause they’ve been used as you can see.

  12. Unfortunately we aren’t receiving any weapons from anywhere. Just that people disarm the IR forces and keep the weapons.

  13. Can anyone give us an update on what the latest is in Iran? I feel it's hard to find out because the news seems to have forgotten about this in the US.

  14. The latest is what you get to see in this sub but if you wanna know every single detail and what happens daily over here you should join Telegram channels dedicated to the revolution news.

  15. Yes. @mizangorup and @aafakhravar seem to be the most reliable sources.

  16. What's happening tomorrow? could someone translate the poster? thanks in advance

  17. The poster invites all Iranian citizens to gather together and protest for three days to mark the Bloody November:

  18. ببینید دین با سیاست یکی هست ما کلی حدیث درمورد اداره کشور داریم مثل روش قضاوت درست،محاکمه ها و... پس اگر دین تو کشور باشه باید هم تو سیاست باشه خود پیغمبر میفرمایند که دین و سیاست یکی هست یا دین باید از مملکت حذف بشه یا توی سیاست هم باشه

  19. خوبه خودتم میدونی حرفات فش خوره

  20. Buncha clowns fools ruling the country. Image source: The Mizan Group

  21. Their optimism is pitiful, as if they got a shot.

  22. The first picture, he is alive people just beat the shit out of him, the third picture is actually a screenshot from a video which shows he moves so was alive.

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