
  1. Got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia when I very much do not have Fibromyalgia. At this point it’s mostly “young woman with pain disease” instead of pain of an actually unknown origin. Some doctors are great, others…not so much

  2. Because it’s not a dual heritage thing most of the time, it’s an ancestry contextual thing. Mexican-Americans who immigrated four generations back are still going to have different lives due to their different origins in America than Irish-Americans or German-Americans. It’s a way to communicate where your dismay has come from in the past. For example, someone saying their Irish-American communicates that their family probably came over due to poverty and brought more European style cultural traditions with them. Someone saying their Mexican-American (at least where I’m from) could mean that their family actually hasn’t moved at all. That they were here way before the land became America. That they’ve experienced racism and language isolation that European-Americans haven’t. All of this boils down to the difference between how America and Europe views citizenship and ethnicity, in Europe, because everyone is so close together but with clearly defined boundaries, you are simply your nationality. Wherever your passport is from is where you’re from. In America we are one HUGE country, the only lines we have are state lines, and our geographical understandings of things like “Southern” and “Midwest” are often contested. Chinese-Americans and African-Americans cohabitate in the same place, yet still have wildly different lineages and experiences in America both historically and today. When someone is trying to communicate how they move through the melting pot that is American culture, they’ll often bring in how their ancestors got here in the first place, because unless you’re Native, you have immigrants somewhere in your line. Overall, no one thinks “Irish” and “Irish-American” are the same thing. They can range from wildly different to not too terribly different, but unless someone is a passport holding Irish citizen alongside being American, it’s a way to express the cultural influences on their family, ideology, health, home life, etc. in a way that honors the differences that various ethnic groups experience in America.

  3. Thanks, it is just that here in Europe we say (e.g. British - French) if our parents are French and we are British or one parent is French and we are British (as an example).

  4. Hey, sounds like it works! Clarity of understanding is the sole purpose of language, and in different contexts that means it’s going to look different. I hope this cleared some misunderstandings up and you can rest assured that the Irish will forever be Irish, and those who claim the title Irish-American firmly understand their diasporic status :)

  5. Non-traditional students have been on the rise! Due to being disabled I’m one as well :)

  6. Anything spicy. I can’t stand spicy. Seasoned, yes, but not spicy.

  7. Reading all these comments and like…I just have POTS man, sometimes I just feel bad :,)

  8. I play the lyre! Also the Kalimba but that’s pretty popular I think

  9. If you like games, Dragons Lair runs game nights and you might be able to find people to play with there! If you do want to consider a queer affirming religious community, The First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio is great no matter what your beliefs are, and Travis Park Methodist is good if you’re specifically Methodist (those are the only two churches I know well enough to recommend) but overall look for small community events and you’ll find people in no time!

  10. What he was saying was “You WOULD be beautiful if you hadn’t made decisions that make you happy, and now you’re ugly because of your tattoos”. It’s not a compliment and you’re right.

  11. I don’t know about the rest of the US but I live close to the largest bat cave in the world

  12. While I understand that view, do you still feel that way when it’s a medical issue? I’m not trying to argue or anything, just looking to understand. I have two medical conditions that often require me to leave the classroom once or twice, otherwise I’m more disruptive. I often worry that this annoys my professors

  13. I mean, if it’s a formal accommodation it’s a medical issue. It’s always a medical issue, that’s why that accommodation got passed. I know I’m certainly not walking out of class for funsies, it’s most likely because I suddenly feel like I need to vomit, in which case staying and roughing it out could prove way more disruptive than going to the bathroom instead.

  14. I also play a bard with a lyre! I bring it meetings and it’s always fun to fiddle with

  15. Biphobia in the queer community and the sexualization of bisexual women from straight men.

  16. It’s legal and moral, but whether it’s safe or a good idea or not is a completely different question.

  17. I agree with a lot of your points about berating teen moms and such, but the “is it really such a bad thing to have a kid under 18” and…yeah, actually, it’s hell. It’s not a question of the mom being a bad person, but it is objectively bad for minors to have kids. They aren’t developed enough to be taking care of themselves and to ask them to take care of and be responsible for another life is setting both of them up for failure. Add on the struggles of trying to do ANYTHING, school, job, etc. with a child, mostly likely alone, and again, both mom and baby are going to be under tremendous amounts of strain and stress. Depending also on the age and developmental stage of said teenager, it’s also going to dangerous body wise to carry and give birth. Teen pregnancy rates are also exacerbated by a lack of sex education, and it’s statistically likely that these teenagers going through pregnancy genuinely just don’t know what’s going on because the adults around them failed to protect them. Overall teen moms are not inherently bad people, but it makes life incredibly difficult and is a symptom of other factors in life that put them at an increased disadvantage. And I’ll round all this off to say: most teen moms aren’t teen moms because of teen dads, but grown men. Statistically it is more likely when you see a teen mom that she experienced some level of grooming/unwanted sexual contact. To blame teen moms for that is atrocious.

  18. Yeah it’s usually a contextual thing. There definitely are girls out there set up for all the success in the world and still make poor decisions, but you can’t tell just by looking at them what their situation is. And yeah motherhood is hell at any age, you’re just a little more equipped to not shake a baby when you’re 30 versus 13! And to be quite honest with you, I personally am never going to be pregnant and have kids. Being disabled on top of all the motherhood stuff would simply ruin me, no matter how much I loved the kid I made.

  19. Yeah anything like this you see on TV is best styling, not natural curls. Sorry!

  20. NTA, here are some more comebacks to “I don’t know about that”

  21. I know I am going to get onto some watch list because I keep talking about it, but read Kacsynski's manifesto. You don't have to agree with it, but at least read it and determine for yourself WHY you don't agree with it if that is the case.

  22. I agree with a portion of it, but I definitely start disagreeing whenever he says “and that’s why I’m going to bomb people”.

  23. Yeah, his justification for that is…. While very uncomfortable, kind of makes sense.

  24. I don’t know it just seems like if you’re trying to do right by people you shouldn’t put innocent lives at risk. I won’t comment on the people he was actually targeting but putting those bombs on planes? What if one prematurely exploded and an entire plane went down? It simply wasn’t a good way to go about it. Sure it got him notoriety, but it also made him look bonkers and unstable. Most people remember him for his bombs than his message anyway, and even if people do completely agree with him, they won’t want to associate themselves with him and his manifesto.

  25. BPD. Apparently some therapists are flat out told to avoid working with BPD patients because they’re “so bad”. My heart goes out to all the BPD sufferers

  26. NTA, what the fuck. Moms taking baths with their really young children is normal. She is not their mom, and 8 years old is too old to be taking a bath with other people. I don’t care whether her asking to shower with the girlfriend happened or not, it’s completely irrelevant. If an 8 year old asks for a beer and their dad gives them a beer, the onus is still completely on the parent. This is all fucked.

  27. Do you have any tactics for this or just stick to rooms without windows?

  28. I have at home silk scarves that are easy to take on and off and I just make sure it’s on if there’s windows open

  29. I got them forever ago so I don’t, but they’re just basic square silk scarves

  30. The thing about POTS is…everything is exercising. If my heart rate is going the same rate as someone sprinting a marathon when I shower, that’s exercising. I’m moving my body and my heart rate is up. It’s exhausting. Exercise doesn’t fix everything and some people just straight up don’t get that.

  31. I remember seeing that book as a kid and wanting to read it cause it looked cool, opened it up to read the first page, and immediately got the sense I would hate it. Everything I’ve learned about the book since has only confirmed my initial assessment!

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