
  1. Yes , but my question was , is there anything in the bible that says ( or is there at least something that it teaches that would help us come to that conclusion ) that if you're worried or concerned about it then you haven't blasphemed the holy spirit

  2. Is there at least something in the bible that helps us come to the conclusion that if you're worried you haven't blasphemed the holy spirit.

  3. Yes, satan has tried to reverse Gods word in order to destroy, this is one example

  4. Either one of two things if you ask me: that demon wasn’t truly a demon, and was a human being on his way to hellfire within this life, believing he was a demon already signified in the dream by the appearance

  5. That’s going to be hard for you, because Christians are protected from demonic posession

  6. It’s commanded in the Old Testament, if a man lays with a woman he’ll pay her father the bride price and take her as his wife.

  7. Seems like you’re asking this just to be argumentative, and it sounds like you’re getting lost in the theology of hypothetical situations instead of focusing on what matters.

  8. This is a reformed sub so we do not believe one can lose their salvation or be born again twice for example. The soul is actually not free. It’s in bondage to sin. But also the soul itself still belongs to God and not man.

  9. You could still give the church a chance. People make mistakes, maybe this was an incident, wrong people in charhe of a decision or something

  10. Its not the anti-christ, because that will be a person, but I believe it will potentially play a large role.

  11. It’s probably some CNS fatigue especially if u haven’t lifted in a while. Not related to pfs

  12. It can't be referring to the Trinity. God is spirit himself and the holy spirit is only distinguished from God insofar as it dwells inside of humans, and no humans existed yet, not even Jesus.

  13. Agreed more in the future but fin is the most effective to date.

  14. Your words are not coherent with someone who reacted bad to that drug.

  15. From all the things men here deal with, this is what your issue is? Wth man. Just use vaseline

  16. Here is the ESV translation, it is accurate and I believe more comprehensible to most people.

  17. Of course, there's a tier list for everything. Uncle Larry is definitely bottom tier.

  18. The seriousness of your answer gives away the seriousness of your question

  19. You know you shouldn't use antipsychotics for sleep right?

  20. He may have meant it in a way to blame his wife for his sons shortcomings

  21. The gospel is about being One in Christ, but scripture also teaches that the eye needs the hand and the hand needs the eye. Ever member of the body is necessary for eachother, and its purpose

  22. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/#CR65

  23. DHT does not come from free test exclusively, and it isn’t directly measured so it’s not contradictory evidence

  24. The majority of Dht is formed via 5a reductase. Only very small amounts are formed in the testicles. And the backdoor pathway via 17a-hydroxyprogesterone does not account for a high proportion either. So yes, Dht is predominantly formed from testosterone.

  25. That’s not convincing because it has been found to increase DHT substantially

  26. Please compare your life to that of an original disciple. Do you really have it that bad? Refer to:

  27. I believe it’s wrong. Do you trust another person besides Jesus with your whole life?

  28. Yes ghosts is the secular term for demonic entities. Many secular people use it in movies, books or cartoons, and may not believe they truly exist, but scripture says otherwise

  29. I have it, the fewer carbs I eat the better I feel

  30. I have it myself as well, particularly the tiredness and lethargy. When I eat more fats instead of carbs it helps

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