
  1. Kitty is a little scary,looks like she's ready to take you out for taking her photo. Does she always look so intense?

  2. Damn it. I can't go back to Aldi if they're selling cats now. 3 is enough as it is.

  3. So creating happens in a vacuum?!? How would they share that art? Also in your own analogy they are creating their own gallery You are the one who is not understanding. Anyways I have more important things to do and nobody agrees with you here, so I'm done. They won't survive this, no matter how much you lick their boots.

  4. The actual fuck are you talking about? My analogy was to say that because a piece of art is hung in a gallery, does not mean that it was created to hang in that gallery. The fandom did not create Ryan, Shane or Steven. It cannot take credit for their success. The credit lies in the thing they create that became valuable to advertisers, fans, investors. Fandom is a metric of their success, it is not the cause of it. But since you have better things to do, I guess this is goodbye.

  5. Whatever, apparently those 6 dollars bought them a very good pr firm so they will survive, be happy and leave the rest of us alone.

  6. Why does she make it seem like they struggle to afford food or something when in reality they want to make their overpoduced shows even more overpoduced and allow Steven to eat wagyu and caviar

  7. I read it as giving the people working for watcher a livable wage. Not padding Ryan, Shane and Steven’s bank accounts. A 25 person company isn’t a big company, but if all 25 of those people make 40k a year (and that’s on the very low end if California’s minimum wage is $20), that’s a million dollars they need to clear just to pay the people. Not to mention the other costs of their overhead.

  8. If they're struggling to pay their workers and still living well that's an even bigger red flag imo. Their staff members should be living a liveable wage and if they aren't Sara needs to maybe be quiet about that.

  9. I’ll be honest, I don’t know what their finances are. I’d love to take a look at their P&L, but I doubt they’ll make it public. I think they just really want to make what they want to make and don’t want to conform to an algorithm.

  10. This reminds me of a drug apartment I saw in a movie once. The dealers are safe and so is their money and product because they are locked inside with it. Less chance of being robbed.

  11. Right... I think there was something like this in lock, stock & two smoking barrels

  12. I know they film/tape them ahead of time. But I was wondering the same thing. I’m hopefully optimistic, but my guess is that the episode is already in the can or they’ll not have an episode this week… but fingers crossed I’m wrong

  13. Well and people are only looking at this from their personal perspective as the consumers. In the announcement video they said that they’re tired of answering to advertisers. It’s definitely possible Shane feels weird doing ad reads.

  14. I don’t get this: they don’t want to be beholden to ad revenue, yet they make ads that cost 1,000s of dollars to produce. Shane’s most recent ads seemed like they were going to be a story unto themselves (ala the hotdoga). Why spend so much time and effort making them if you hate them?

  15. They should totally make a streaming service like Watcher and have a show where the Kelly G guy just make 9/11 and R*******rd jokes and have a tiny Lowrent and Broes in the tiny reacting. Ps. Chelsea is awesome and that part aint sarcastic

  16. For sure, no need to read everything but if you want to binge everything, the order that I commented should be chronologically accurate

  17. I’m only just now finished with the first 5 books of the Percy books. I read The Ultimate Guide and I’d say it should maybe be read after the Last Olympian. There aren’t really spoilers, I guess, but it does reference things you wouldn’t get the reference for until you read the book.

  18. With Matt Gourley being on FYA, I wonder if the watcher boys are going to come into the Team Coco podcast family

  19. It’s the sound in the moment the picture captures. 1st are the notes of the theme song, 2nd “i declare bANKrupcy”, 3rd “nooOOOOOOO!!!!!!”, 4th “where are the tURRRRRRTels?!”

  20. Right, we need to protect Kitten G from that big scary man!

  21. I haven’t been able to get past the first five minutes of that FYA episode because I can’t stomach him. Yet, it is the most viewed episode so I think we are in the minority on this

  22. Succulent garden, if you live in an area that could sustain it, would be fun

  23. got to thinking about “not trying to sell you anything” comment. Then I realized that all of the kids in the video were boys. And I watched it again and thought, that’s weird. Then I saw the card at the end that the video is brought to you by Health Canada and the Canadian Strategy on HIV / Aids…

  24. Do you download the games on the wii u, is there a folder containing games installed with the homebrew? Do you have to download them on a PC and transfer them.

  25. There are other methods but this is what I do. For games that were released in the official eshop I use a pc program called wiiu usb helper, which downloads the games on a format called wup, which is installable on your wiiu using a homebrew app called WUP installer gx. (You have to place the wups in a folder in your sd card so wup installee can install them).

  26. Thank you. You’re the first person to mention the unmentionables. Everyone always skirts around the actual facts to keep it vague. Fillow up: i have a lot of wii u games on disks. Does jailbreak allow me to download the games onto my console? We were fortunate to find a second wii u (just the console) for like $10 at a thrift store. My plan is to jailbreak that one and keep my og stock. Thanks for all the knowledge

  27. Every time I hear a morning dove, it sounds to me like it’s singing this song

  28. I found one on the side of the road, too. No games or controllers, tho. Nice find. Also, I was told I shouldn’t have updated mine because the old OS is worth more (on the sellers market).

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