
  1. Tomb Raider, the remakes specially. Graphically stunning, the story is quite cool and the games are fun as heck

  2. How anyone can post this clip without the classic Ankara Messi commentary is beyond me:

  3. I didn't know what you meant, becaus is "encara" which is catalan for "still"

  4. Boring commentator, No one beats ANKARA MESSI MESSI

  5. I didn't know what you meant, becaus is "encara" which is catalan for "still"

  6. Ahhh!! The drums of war are beating!

  7. Same thing happened to me, I got to the prison and it was empty. I was like "WTF!?"

  8. My kid is 7 months old and at one point today he was screaming and being a nervous fuck.

  9. I don't know what "pasta" was but if it was noodles, well... there's a dish for that.

  10. Vale, ya que tu caso es sentimental vayamos al lado sentimental. Más allá de nuestras diferencias, cuando sales de España (cosa que por lo que veo tu has hecho) se suelen notar nuestras similitudes. La cultura española es esa cultura de gente alegre por la calle, voces altas, largas veladas en el bar, historia en cada rincón. Es la cultura donde cada pueblo (por pequeño e insignificante que sea) tiene sus propias tradiciones y sus propias fiestas. Una cultura ecléctica e imaginativa de la que han salido algunos de los escritores (Cervantes), arquitectos (Gaudi) o pintores (Picasso) más rompedores de toda la historia. Porque los españoles (aunque no nos damos cuenta) somos uno de los pueblos que más facilidad tienen para romper con la lógica imperante y tratar de probar algo nuevo. Esta en toda nuestra historia. Colón arriesgándose a cruzar la mar contra toda lógica, la resistencia contra Francia a pesar de no tener ni rey, Cervantes rompiendo con los cánones literarios, Gaudi rompiendo los cánones arquitectónicos. Nuestra facilidad para salirnos de la norma también nos puede llevar al esperpento (el absurdo del cantón de Cartagena o el intentar crear una utopía socialista en Barcelona en medio de la guerra civil), que es algo también muy español, pero creo que es mejor ser una cultura que trata de hacer cosas nuevas a ser una en la que siempre se sigue la norma.

  11. Gran parte de lo que has dicho se me aplica, pero los catalanes por norma general no somos tan escandalosos en el extranjero.

  12. Pues na, a la burra. Si es que lo que se dice de los catalanes es cierto, yo yo yo yo.

  13. Di que sí, a falta de argumentos tiramos por la falacia ad hominem y atacamos al personal xDD

  14. I'm 44. I was borne and raised there, left at 23 because the prices for mortgages and rent were impossible.

  15. I'm from Spain (Barcelona, Catalonia).

  16. Baldur's Gate 3 has been an amazing voyage. And, although it hasn't been mentioned much, is also visually stunning.

  17. Cuanto machirulo suelto por favor...

  18. The RFEF has managed the whole situation in the worst possible manner. Threatening your world-cup-winning players to withdraw their licenses is a terrible move. Now would be the time to deescalate and find an agreement with the players. The RFEF should try to find a neutral arbiter to moderate the negotiations between the players and the federation.

  19. Stan's behaviour reminded me of Terry Prattchet's Carrot, from the Ankh-Morpork Watch :D

  20. Has anyone got a link to an actual video clip of the kiss? I have only been able to see still pictures. Anyway I was please England made it to the final even though we didn't win.

  21. I'm loving this, not the usual HFY story but I'm honestly invested in all the characters so far and the Universe you're building.

  22. Ok, stupid question…why are some of them wearing their jerseys backwards?

  23. Jenni and Alexia swapped their shirts and decided to wear each other shirt showing the number, reasons unknown as far as I'm aware.

  24. I never saw full footage or anything longer that a short clip. Omg, Rubiales is giving full tight frontal body hugs to every player like they were close friends/family you haven’t seen in months or even romantic partners. Eww, did he do that with all the Spanish player? I’m so sorry for all the players who have to accept that kind of bs from their FAs. My thoughts are with the Spanish players and the others feminine national teams in a similar situation.

  25. Let me know if you want me to record the whole thing, with his behaviour with all players, and upload it somewhere ;)

  26. I've seen male coaches do this to other men when winning important trophies. How is it any different?

  27. This is the PRESIDENT of the federation, the ultra-mega-boss.

  28. "As a result of the events that took place this morning and the perplexity of the speech made by the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Mr. Luis Manuel Rubiales Béjar, the players of the senior national team, recent world champions, in support of Jennifer Hermoso, want to express their firm and resounding condemnation of behaviors that have violated the dignity of women.

  29. Tried it, really did try to read it... couldn't go pass the sexism of the second book.

  30. I keep reposting this today, but I would show him Theoden's charge at Minas Tirith. It closely mirrors Theoden's energy in the books.

  31. And every time I read this I can't help but watch it.

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