
  1. It’s a good point and technically they wouldn’t be able to. He is known to do such things tho, as he’s colored in a Gyrados and another Charizard at least. And people in this sub who have gotten autos from him have confirmed he will do it for a premium.

  2. Oh maann! I’m sooo happy for youu!! Such a lucky guy! …proceeds to puke…

  3. Superboy is the only one that seems to be aware that a picture is being taken. Mom is pondering if the pictures take your soul rumors are true and is kind of worried about it.

  4. When he was shaking the match to try to get it going again he seemed a little desperate for a second like it wasn’t gonna work. Dude’s whole company flashed before his eyes. No pun intended..

  5. lol for real, party poop much? It’s like damn bro let people dream.

  6. Nah this was towards the end of ”it doesn’t work this way don’t bother them” person

  7. Oh I know that’s who I meant that for not you sorry. I’m on hush to that guy side 👍

  8. I’m American but I had no idea this was a tradition for people! I’ve lived my whole life on the west coast. What part of the US is this the norm?

  9. Same here. Never heard of it. Christmas is for fruit cake and cookies. I’ll try a handful of if I ever see it tho..

  10. Came to make the same comment except I was going to put the lol after orange cats. So.. ya.. orange cats lol

  11. It’s usually based on how many open menus there are and to let the kitchen catch up on tickets.

  12. Well im no expert, but judging by the bag and the color of that cake, I can say pretty much nothing, because as I said, im no expert.

  13. “Officer was brought to hospital” Since when is lighter fluid like acid? Wash it off at the sink bro

  14. I hope you can get out of the camera soon..😟

  15. Hot damn! Give this man more of the awards.

  16. Everyone saying toss them, thanks I know that. I would but he doesn't want that, also I can't just toss everything cause he doesn't have much and doesn't have the money to buy replacements.

  17. Does it have to be organic peanut butter water?

  18. People were hella down to die back in the day. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  19. What is this doggo?! 😅. That monster is funny 😄

  20. Never mind we’re good bro we’re good..

  21. Bro…are you really asking if your cats are gay? Bro… c’mon… bro…


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