
  1. I didnt realize all Palestinians are Hamas. But sure you guys are totally the good guys calling for exterminating 2 million people and haven't been compared to the nazis everywhere.

  2. Oh I know all Palestinians aren't all Hamas but that's a distinction they're having a hard time making.

  3. there is no going back from this point

  4. There was no going back when Palestinians were called feral animals that need to be exterminated.

  5. I would literally do anything you tell me to do. Trade a few hours of my life for financial freedom.

  6. Normally I’d agree, but that one sub is an exception. The comments that aren’t removed are by experts in the field and nuanced and well-researched. It’s obv not a scholarly journal, but it’s very worth reading their posts. More insightful than most newspapers or broadcast news for sure.

  7. I will trust peer reviewed journals, not Reddit. Everyone on Reddit seems intelligent until they talk about something you know

  8. Did... you read the title of the post you're commenting on?

  9. Yes and it's hilarious that you guys think you can trust either side

  10. This isn't a "side". This is an independent news outlet taking into account all information.

  11. Oh yes because Washington Post isn't biased. You're clearly not from the US cause everyone knows they're heavily biased. It's like saying Fox is an independent news source so we should listen to them

  12. Yeah but no one was solely doing it for others to see.. it was just for the fun of those involved and that's far from the only aspect. We used to actually interact with people irl. You rode your bike to your friend's house and knocked on the door. Only rich ppl had beepers. You got bullied by one loser kid at school not thousands of people online. No doxxing just boxing. I could go on n on

  13. Stack some ETH and wait until 2025 to cash out for next cycle top

  14. And I like how you look at over thousands of dead and wounded innocents and hostages by Hamas and still "victim blame" . Stop talking like Israel decided to do this out of nowhere when it was Hamas and their allies who decided to cook up a crackpot scheme to attack a country with a military. FAFO

  15. Stop pretending like Israel haven't routinely attacked Palestine for years. Israel used human shields too so don't act like you guys are morally superior and haven't committed war crimes for decades. So I guess who FAFO

  16. Yeah I don't see the "willingly" part as I said. They are not going out of their way to murder children, like Hamas who went door to door murdering children in front of their families. When you are doing an aerial bombardment of one of the most densely populated areas on Earth that is also 50% children, this would unfortunately be the outcome. Now if you said journalists, that'd be different.

  17. Maybe Israel should stop blindly bombing them. I like how you look at over 2k dead children and still victim blame. The brainwashing is strong

  18. This is an unfathomably shitty attempt at a strawman. I can't even figure out what point you think you're making.

  19. Is English not your first language? It's really not hard to grasp

  20. That's funny coming from you, considering your previous comment was two sentence fragments, neither of which make any sense in the context of the discussion. The comment chain was talking about murders, and you brought up property damage as if it's somehow relevant.

  21. Thank you for perpetuating hate and propaganda. Keep being part of the problem.

  22. Same with you. Enjoy supporting a genocide of millions of people!

  23. Only Hamas is attempting genocide. You truly are deplorable.

  24. Oh yeah totally. Cause Israel didn't say that Palestinians are feral animals that need to be exterminated. You say I'm deplorable. Clown

  25. Tell that to the soldiers beheading people with a knife.

  26. Oh, sorry, you somehow missed all of the bombs Russia has dropped too. 🙄 it's about their mentality.

  27. I'm an Israeli Jew. I had to read some of these comments to understand wtf is wrong with that octopus.

  28. I mean, I don't think I am, and I've known many other men with the same "issue". I've also never been accused of any form of inappropriate behavior, I just want to keep it that way.

  29. Don't worry no one wants you and even fewer will after learning how much you support ethnic cleansing

  30. And she probably wonders why guys don't respect her. So here's my ass. Lmfao pathetic hoes

  31. I mean. No? Literally the left arm missing is the classic issue with that. And yours is gone, so…

  32. That's why I said somewhat works. What is reading comprehension. Jfc

  33. She was in Gotham and was annoying as a character.

  34. Yeah but they only reason she got that far is because of Will

  35. Palestinians have rejected every peace deal. They won't give it a chance. This is the result of that policy.

  36. They rejected peace after their land was forcibly taken from them. How shocking

  37. How far back in time would you like to go? That land has been conquered many times. The Palestinians don't have a unique claim.

  38. The average weight for an American women is 170lbs. I guess he just seeing being an adult woman as a red flag

  39. Why don't you use the average weight of an actual healthy country? America is too obese

  40. It's called hyperbole. Go get a glass of water.

  41. Tell me you're autistic without telling me your autistic lol.

  42. Maybe he just likes correct information instead of exaggerated bullshit.

  43. Only Hamas wants genocide. If Israel wanted to kill everyone in Gaza they already would have. Instead they left the place in 2005 and have tried three times since the 90’s to make a two state lasting peace. But yeah keep claiming the insane shit you’re babbling dude.

  44. Yeah this was explicitly anti-jew, not anti-israel. It's really fucked that people can't bother to differentiate the two, but that's by design I guess.

  45. Almost like people can't distinguish between Hamas and Palestinians on Reddit but no one has a problem with that

  46. I'm sorry but this is definitely still a problem. I've had two electric rental cars in the last month, one in MA and one on VT. One Chevy Bolt and one Hyundai. In MA, I had to drive an hour to get to a 50kw charger, and 2 of the 3 available chargers were not functional. The second charging station I used on my way to return the vehicle only had one of two chargers functioning. In Vermont, I found one 150 kw charger in a hotel parking lot that I had to rely on for a week. It was 25 minutes away from where I was staying. Options were incredibly limited in both states, which are both generally considered more progressive. While both rides were great, the charging infrastructure was not. I would not be comfortable, and was not comfortable with the charging infrastructure currently available.

  47. They said it's not a problem in SoCal or Nevada, not the states you mentioned.

  48. Wow such a unique situation. You must be one of the few people in the world married to someone 30 years older than them. Totally deserved an AMA

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