
  1. This. Judges need to stop with the finger-wagging and make him face some actual consequences.

  2. I always assume the judges are lenient with him to avoid giving defense any grounds for a mistrial or reasons to help with the appeal of the verdict.

  3. Somewhere between "Because I don't want to" and "Why don't you smoke Crack?"

  4. I'm praying I'm not the only one, but when I eat something with a lot of warm, slightly greasy, melted cheese, it literally makes me light-headed and euphoric for just a second.

  5. Under, but I bought when values were super high. Better to buy when prices are down a bit. You can always refinance your loan. You can't change the price you paid for the house.

  6. In fairness, I do go through groceries pretty fast. And oxygen. I'm going to try to cut back on both.

  7. At first you think, ok, it’s a lady fuckin a horse. Then it starts and you realize…. It’s a lady fuckin a horse.

  8. Have you ever been tested for EDS or another connective tissue disorder? They often have an effect on the stomach.

  9. It effects the lining of the stomach. Some people who have it experience symptoms similar to IBS. The "zi have to go now" feeling and having to go whenever you eat are known side effects.

  10. Maybe you could look at moving to Russia instead? Might be a little cold but I don't think they normally extradite.

  11. Oh, man. Him too Russia would be amazing. Normally, I'd worry about state secrets, but the roothpaste is surely out of the tube there.

  12. thought so, I was watching like.. hold on, there's beds there, so they have to eliminate a designated number of people anyways, and I wondered how that would work but I knew that's what was going on. Any idea why they got rid of you...?

  13. Either they didn't think I (and the others) had a compelling enough story to be interesting, or, more likely, they had what they needed, did some quick math, and just eliminated us as we crossed in order. I'll never know.

  14. I assume their lives have worked out poorly because they were shit lives even then. The only one I know about dove into a pool the last week of our senior year of high school and broke his neck. Paralyzed from the neck down for life. Got a law degree and seemed fairly humble when I saw him at our reunion. I never think about him. He wasn't a good person, but I'm sorry that happened to him.

  15. Some foreign despot is about to get his or her grammar corrected so hard.

  16. Lots of them. My Side of the Mountain probably tops the list. Ender's Game is probably second, and To Kill a Mockingbird is a very close third. If I like any book, I plan to read it more than once. Ooh, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

  17. So few people seem to understand that good governing, like good parenting, doesn't usually involve giving people what they would like; rather, it is about giving them what they need. I'm sure many people would love the increased pay check right up until they retire and find they can't live. Any member of government willing to facilitate this kind of self harm should be barred from public service.

  18. When I read about this a couple of months ago, it was the best news I had heard since moving to STL.

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