
  1. The first time i waited for 4 keys i got War Machine at the first attempt, i think this game hates those who gamble

  2. ah, yes, ben 10, the famous batman villain

  3. Just visit that sub and you'll understand why he posted a Ben 10 alien

  4. But do criminals still react like this to Parker or his family?

  5. No, Otto in his time as superior acted in a kinda Batman style, criminals feared him and, as you can see in the panel, Peter. But after superior Peter came back to his old status (beside the time with the parker industries)

  6. Right but did the criminals forget? Or just realise Spidey had become more chill again?

  7. I mean, when otto kinda fuck up the situation and wasn’t able to do anything for the goblin situation (don’t want to do much spoilers) the criminals just don’t have that fear anymore. I read superior but i have not read yet what comes next so it’s possible that after superior they adress this sometimes but it is not a thing anymore. It’s comics time make everything back to the status quo (not one more day sadly).

  8. If he does the same that eminem has done he'll be back in Italy in just 16 years

  9. In Italy we can't get without piracy basically the 50% of what you have on hbo max in the US

  10. Su fb in qualche gruppo al femminile c'era chi affermava di cavarsela egregiamente con 1200 in due, con mutuo e 3 figli. Ecco, se qualcuno riuscisse a spiegarmi come gliene sarei grata

  11. Il mutuo per la decima casa e le altre 9 davano rendita, se no non si spiega

  12. Quasi metà della Gen Z è sopra i 20 anni (Gen Z 1997-2012), siamo cresciuti con le ultime videocassette e i primi dvd, come facciamo a non capire la reference?

  13. Ti parlo infatti dei cartoni dell'infanzia.

  14. It's a EA game, I will be happy if i don't have to pay real money for the skins

  15. I'm Italian and we are like the natural enemy of the french, but maaaan you are petty asl

  16. Dursnt was the better player on that team. Just because his team was good doesn't mean it isn't an achievement. Bron also joined the heat with prime Wade and Bosh, and won a ring with AD who just came off a season where he was one of the best players in the league. That doesn't mean that those championship wins aren't achievements.

  17. Tbh yea i didnt read any miles comics but ik him from the old cartoons

  18. In the comics origin I think he's introduced really well, the superpowers he has are explained and the personality is not the one from videogames.

  19. Ok ill listen to you but what comment do you suggest i start with

  20. I started with the origins in the marveultimate universe and i’d suggest the same for you. I heard that the last run is pretty good but I still have it in the reading list

  21. The mistery of Marisa Tomei: the older she gets the more beautiful she becomes

  22. That's hilarious considering how Superior Spider-Man also happened lol

  23. And doc was a jerk with May in Peter's body (He did a couple things for her but didn't work)

  24. Love the design, but I'm still adjusting to this one having toes. I'm use to it being like.. shoes?

  25. When I was in middle school it was a bit underrated i think and it was my favorite, but after tik tok i agree that it is a bit overrated

  26. Man you didn't have to cum on them to show us

  27. Wait! You guys have minimum wage?? *cries in lasagna*

  28. Nope, Balotelli isn't loved so much in Inter Fans memory. The one complaining are probably casuals.

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