
  1. Only after Covid lockdowns. I don't know if something happened during lockdowns, but he was much more energetic before and was poised to take a strong hold of #2 after Magnus.

  2. Thinking someone looks attractive is fine. Talking about people like

  3. Broadly speaking - (Material Cost + (Hourly Rate x no. of hours working)) x 2

  4. The test is meaningless if you just follow a guide, it is suppose to be your own opinion.

  5. in three years remind me that you set this reminder that would be rad

  6. unironically you can look up the Greek Canon to check your measurements and yes it's achievable. What isn't achievable are his massive fucking hands and head

  7. Haha I genuinely don't see the riding part because the hamster is clearly sitting on top of the guinea pig for me xD oh well! I think it's cute

  8. I’ve seen the original picture you posted and I think the difference is the shadow and colour. In the original they’re clearly separate but here I see what others are suggesting

  9. Yeah I'm clearly pretty dumb but it still doesn't win the queen even. You need To find the double check with that knight to win the queen

  10. If the queen took the bishop, the knight could take the queen, from the position that OP posted. (Still the incorrect solution)

  11. if you wanna get real cheesy with it before the fight even starts you can one shot him during dialogue by shoving him off the platform (any move that does knockback will work too)

  12. If you can cast invisibility on a character they can still go and push him off after Patch 3

  13. Yeah and statistically the average number of legs people have is <2 it doesn't mean that the overwhelming majority of people don't go through life with two legs

  14. The crab is fine. The tag is on the side of their shell while the crab's body is in the center.

  15. Sorry I actually meant being out of water like that; do they enjoy chilling on the beach or has this one washed up?

  16. What's the lore behind your Private Investigator phase?

  17. Ooft, I'm sorry you're going through this. I'd like to reassure you that you aren't lazy, and you certainly aren't a shit person. Life with ADHD can certainly feel like that but there is another side - it can take time and effort to get on top of it but you can have a happy, healthy life with ADHD and Autism. Are you speaking to a doctor atm? It can take a minute to find the meds that work well for you but I promise it won't always feel like this.

  18. I'm not OP but I also have both autism and adhd and I feel the same way as them (18m). Haven't finished graduating yet but it is painful. Thank you for saying all this, hopefully both OP and I can do better in the future with this advice. <3

  19. I'm glad it helped! Take things a day at a time, graduating is stressful and tough for even the hardiest Neurotypical so give yourself some credit for getting yourself to where you are. Your brain is fantastic and makes you, you!

  20. you said there's an insane amount of articles about it happening. You posted 5. Congrats, you lied.

  21. Are you arguing that there is a sane amount of times this should be coming up in the news?

  22. Thank you! Yeah I should try that out. Part of what I struggle with is dividing which day I should do which homework.

  23. I guess that'll partly depend on what the particular homework is but I'd possibly consider looking at your energy levels during the day and night. I used to find that I was better at doing reading / prep work for assignments during the daylight hours and could hyper-focus on writing in the evening / at night.

  24. If their methods are so terrible, surely you'd be able to offer something different that they haven't already tried?

  25. I'd highly recommend the book "The Inner Game of Tennis" for this. It focuses on tennis as a case example but can be applied more widely . It's a really short read too

  26. Yeah, I was tired after a days work and completely misplayed the situation. For kids this age status and looking cool/intimidating is everything. My "bank robber" joke was attacking their face, humiliating in front of peers. Then they started threatening, making comments about my wife. Again, provocation.

  27. This is a refreshingly kind attitude. I don't think there is a "right" way to have handled it and I think you handled it fine.

  28. You're totally fine to ramble, especially on this subreddit! The past few weeks I've tried journaling and that's given me a free space to get my own rambles out. It can be lonely having ADHD and getting it all out to likeminded individuals on here or writing it out somewhere is really good for processing your thoughts. It's why I like chatting on this subreddit too.

  29. Thank you! :grin: Yeah, getting it out helps. Especially while trying to get someone to talk to & help...

  30. You've had a life full of experiences and things that have happened, your personal preferences, sense of humour, likes and dislikes etc all form an incredible thing called your personality.

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