
  1. Isn’t he supposed to be 6’3”? How tall is that table? Or is he just leaning forward to ease out the buttTrumpet.

  2. I'm glad he's miserable cuz this is likely the only "punishment" he'll suffer.

  3. What ya mean? I turned to the show today and there was a hilarious Dice impersonator on!! Omg a comic who hasn't been popular since 1985?? I'm in

  4. Uh, what a TERRIBLE mom! Doesn't she know alcohol is dangerous to a baby??! I mean, come on

  5. Okay buddy, you try performing a c section on yourself without any painkillers or anything to help ease the pain and see how you hold up 🤨

  6. Seriously. Don't try this on even normal difficulty, kids. But, I do like seeing those fuggers get killed.

  7. Why take 30 seconds to explain yourself when you can just keep taking the same phone call over and over again forever because your order is unclear or uncommon.

  8. As a hospitalist, I can understand the knee jerk irritation at being called or paged, but JFC, dudes, rns asking questions or for clarification is so important to make sure we're all on the same page and doing the right thing for whoever is in the bed. Why the hell would they post this? Especially where you " just Rns " can see? <- joke. I get so pissed when patients or family's say oh you're just a nurse....

  9. ....did he scream Shazam before wrecking? Would have been pretty amazing if it had worked

  10. Zach Snyder must have photos of powerful people screwing animals or something to be allowed to keep making movies

  11. I can’t stop belly giggling at how fucking funny “waAaALK UP” is.

  12. WTF?! This is blatant fascist Nazi propaganda. These psychopathic narcissists are experts at twisting facts, lying, and gaslighting.

  13. His father tried hiding him in a different part of the state and their family attorney recommended it. He was only found bc his former step mom caught him STILL boasting like he was going to get away with it.

  14. Holy shit. This is probably the best case scenario when it comes to rolling a vehicle without wearing a seat belt.

  15. Keep it together cameraman! What’s the point of a video of I’m just seeing the ground?

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