
  1. I need to know where you guys hang out. Whats the sub name? A discord? Some other random site? Because I think I have found my people.

  2. Ha c'est ça Éric Salvail.

  3. If you ask women who squirt directly, they'll tell you it doesn't smell like like piss and they can do it on a completely empty bladder. Only one limited study was conducted and traces of urine in the sample has been decided to make it an all urine sample. Not enough actual research has been done to confirm the full content of squirt but most people report that it doesn't smell like pee and it doesn't taste like pee and women can squirt gushes after completely emptying their bladder minutes earlier (no one can produce that much urine that fast). Pretty sure it's just another thing that men don't understand about how a woman's body functions but insist "the science is settled" after one tiny study cuz surely they know more. Women can produce ejaculate fluid similar to men, it can squirt out during orgasm just like men. I'm sure I'll get arguments, but it's never from anyone who actually read the study to see how the sample was obtained and how the one singular data collection event for the one study was done.

  4. I've been downvoted so many to say this. I can wait study on squirting related to the interstitium, the new organ they discovered .

  5. Ah, I was scrolling for this one I'm a slut for series, and I happily dive into this one when the hype was up. It was so awfully written. Her "inner goddess" made me rolled my eyes so hard I might have permanent damage from it. The dynamic between Mr Gray and Anastasia was so forceful and surface level. Jeez, it's been years and I still can't get over the fact I waste my time on this story.

  6. I read it in my native language and though there was no way the original was that bad, so I picked up an English copy... it's just that bad 😂

  7. Lol I read it in my native language as well and I didn’t even dare reading it again in english. I bow before your strength

  8. I remembered a story about a guy having suddenly a reaction after sleeping with his wife. He discovered after many months that she had change her hair dye and he was allergic to it. Maybe check that and the products she use (moisturizer, parfume etc)

  9. Lord, the youths discovering Portishead makes me feel so fucking old.

  10. One died of a heart failure at 19 years old and the other died from a cancer within 3 months. She left behind two small child. Yeah. Life sucks sometimes.

  11. I know this is old.. but can I buy the lowest tier and get access to the 18+ pages??? I need TO SEE!!!

  12. I had the worst period pain. I was gulping painkillers. It was awful. The first thing that change my cycles and pain was to switch to diaposable pads to cloths pads. I swear, day and night. Enough so that I started a business to sell some. I made thousands of them and I converted hundreds of women to switch. Life changing. Second was to go see a osteopath at least once a year. Now twice a year, because since I hit 40, my cramps got worse somehow.

  13. En cette matière sounds off. I would say "je vous remercie de votre implication dans cette affaire" or "sur le sujet"

  14. This is incredibly specific, but it’s happened twice now that an author writes a French Canadian character but doesn’t understand how the accent differs from the one from France. Quebecois don’t pronounce “the” as “zee”, they pronounce the th sound as a d. They also don’t always pronounce the H when its the first letter of a word (happen becomes appen, for example) but will sometimes throw in an extra H at the beginning of a word that begins with a vowel. I know it’s much less sexy, but it is what it is lol

  15. My first draft was 248k words 💀 I'm at my fourth draft now and i'm already down 18k within 10 chapters. I hope to cut it down to 150k.

  16. J'avais appelé le 911 il y a deux ans parce que mes deux enfants avaient disparu. La madame m'a parlé, enfin, essayer de me garder au téléphone jusqu'à ce que la police et le k9 débarque. Ça avait prit même pas 15 minutes et je reste creux.

  17. Ou un système comme au États-Unis. Quand le propriétaire est déclaré fautif, le locataire est tenu de payé 65% (ou 70%?) de son loyer au "housing", l'équivalent de leur TAL j'imagine et le propriétaire ne peut pas toucher à cette argent tant que les correctifs ne sont pas fait et approuvés.

  18. I had the exact same thought "It cannot become more painful than this, or i'll die for sure. I can't go through that without dying." Freaking scary.

  19. Je suis née dans les années 80 et beaucoup de gens de ma génération ont deux noms de famille. Par contre pour les générations suivantes c'est moins présent, quand t'en a une gang pour qui le nom de famille rentre jamais dans les formulaires, ils refont pas le coup à leurs enfants.

  20. J'ai un prénom et un nom de famille composé. J'ai 34 lettres en tout. Les ptites calisses de lignes de signature longue de 2 cm m'ont toujours royalement faite chier. Mes kids ont un prenom, le nom du père, max 10 lettres chaque.

  21. Had one for my first daughter. They had to tried twice, first time didnt work. But instant relief.

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