
  1. It is yelling at you because you specified the type to be T:

  2. Try setting width: 100% on the paragraph.

  3. sadly doesnt have an effect. ill just use the soft hyphen the other commenter mentioned, even if it isnt dynamic.

  4. Soft hyphen is a good idea anyway in longer words :) max-width could still have an effect if width does not, by the way,

  5. "Am I the only one who hates spoons and loves forks?"

  6. For the uninitiated: In many programming languages/communities it is common practice to name programs and libraries using something called Reverse domain name notation (or reverse-DNS).

  7. It's actually not rocket science. It's intended as a starting point that I can quickly and easily adjust. Colors, space, containers.

  8. Why not (i just went with some random values)

  9. I couldn't post so i am commenting on it here Please Help me with my assignment.

  10. Dude, what are you doing in college if you don't want to learn stuff? Suck it up and actually study, or just find something else to do. The only one you're fooling by getting others to do your work is yourself.

  11. Split this into several different widgets. You're trying to convey way too much information at once here. Tak a look at the widgets from Apple's own apps, or from popular third-party apps; they all convey just a few pieces of information, often just one. Making separate widgets will also allow you to be clearer about what the information is.

  12. It feels like you need to narrow the scope of what it should be showing, or make it a double-wide widget. Your design issues come from too much stuff, not enough space.

  13. I think that's the largest type widget, so they cant' really go larger. But yeah, the main problem is definitely way too much information.

  14. It's easy to get confused about this because all the examples tend to use the same variable names for everything. The key here is that state in setState(state + 1) is not the same as state in setState((state) => state + 1). Here is an example with clearer naming:

  15. Yes if someone changes a variable name then you will have to rewrite the code. But if you wrap the request in a function then you will only have to rewrite the variable name in that function and not every place where the function is called. Though if you needed to for example start passing some new property when POSTing, you'd need to add the additional property in every call of the function (unless it's optional)

  16. f314 says:

    Bonus: In the getPost function you could parse the results with something like

  17. And now check out those apple VR glasses and people waving their hands all over the place! Fact following fiction

  18. f314 says:

    In the field of user experience design, this concept is sometimes called "design fiction": A design that has to be fictional because it is not yet technically possible, but is still imagineable. They might not be meant for production, but they can be seen as hypothetical explorations. The "products" themselves (like the screens and gloves in Minority Report) would be diegetic prototypes, meaning that they exist as fully functioning concepts in the world (of the movie).

  19. f314 says:

    The result of setState won't be what you expect until the next render. For this use case I would go for a ref instead of state, as the thing being changes (the controller) has nothing to do with rendering:

  20. A client of mine once was insistent about placing the menu at the bottom. Turns out there was a serious issue with ios safari doing it that way as the bottom part is reserved for the safari menu that hides away on scroll, requiring tapping twice for the menu to work.

  21. f314 says:

    Fun fact: there are

  22. i think if a container has a height of 500px, and you add a top and bottom padding of 16px, then the container height is actually 500 - 16*2. with margin, the height of the container stays 500px.

  23. f314 says:

    Only if you specify box-sizing: border-box. Though to be fair you probably should do that, and most reset.css-files probably will.

  24. f314 says:

    SG&A includes salaries of labour, excluding those related to the production itself which are cost of goods sold (according to

  25. f314 says:

    There is even an emoji!

  26. f314 says:

    If you’re designing for email you have to throw like 90% of modern HTML/CSS out the window 😑

  27. ok that is some cursed shit, like mentioning a function before it even exists in js

  28. f314 says:

    More like defining a function before you use it. Your CSS is just telling your browser “if you find this, make it look like that.” It is not at all dependent on anything actually existing in HTML.

  29. f314 says:

    No. CSS doesn’t know anything about the content of elements. You can tell CSS to capitalize the contents of a node, but it can’t know if they are capitalized.

  30. f314 says:

    Well, if we’re being pedantic, “Hinoyama” is a proper name while “kouen” is not. Therefore, “Hinoyama” should not be translated, while “kouen” should. đŸ€“

  31. f314 says:

    100% does not necessarily equal 100vw, so your simplification might not hold, since 100vw - 100% / 2 might be neither 50vw or 50%.

  32. Also, isn't the precedance in the calc means it's just dividing the scrollbar width by 2? Or am I missing someting very basic?

  33. f314 says:

    They’re dividing the difference between the width of the element and the width of the page by two. OP said somewhere that the element had a max width of 1200px, so on a full HD screen you would have

  34. f314 says:

    I’ve now read all of the comments and I still have no idea what “the open flag” is

  35. The article did mention that more popular sites were more likely to have dark patterns. Not sure how scientific the determination of that correlation was, but it suggests that these dark patterns are bringing in more users/money than they repel.

  36. f314 says:

    I think they’re talking about the horrible reading experience of the article in the OP.

  37. Also, rhe creator is very keen on keeping the game alive and really encourages people to create content for mothership, so there is always new adventures being created. :)

  38. f314 says:

    It also has a very active Discord community with tons of tips and content!

  39. The first reply to that gist is spot on.

  40. f314 says:

    This a thousand times over! You’re not picking your date of birth, you know it.

  41. Mongo has very little actual use for a web app. The rest of the stack is worth learning, just pair it with a more appropriate database like mariadb or postgres.

  42. f314 says:

    I would say use a good ORM framework like

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