
  1. I have been quitting games week by week in order to drop elo to try and dodge and they’re still here in 10-13k I thought getting out 15k would help but so far I’ve been wrong

  2. It gets worse past 15k. Above the 18k threshold is where the amount of cheaters start to make it unplayable

  3. 100%, I have no idea how Lynx being anywhere close to Bailu even became a conversation

  4. The fact that bailu has some damage reduction in her kit also helps greatly

  5. Look at the previous exam on the exambank. I know someone who took the course before and some of the questions are usually the exact same as on the previous exams.

  6. Do you know if any of the short answers questions are repeats or if it's mostly the multiple choice

  7. You got basically everything wrong. Astralis was not insta banning Vertigo, you can go check HLTV. They also literally played it vs Liquid in the EPL quarterfinals. Also no one would've considered Vertigo to be Liquid's best map, that would be probably Overpass or Mirage. I don't remember Liquid ever picking it on lan.

  8. I have so many double crit watchmaker relics ones only one usable relic for acheron 😭

  9. Don't you dare even joke about Canada and Cadian, we don't want him.

  10. It's a terrible translation that sounds like sarcasm. Taz is trying to show empathy. He is saying it's a pity that VP had this bug.

  11. That could've been implied, but seeing how he put a winking emoji after it, not likely.

  12. That not could've been implied. Szkoda literally means it's a pity not too bad. Also winking emoji might have been added to the part saying "well we had the same thing but in worse moment" (Which was not the worse moment but okay Taz).

  13. Oh okay, if it was truly a translation error, then it doesn't look as bad. But I feel like something like NiKos response would've been more appropriate

  14. That is actually dogshit, VP went on to lose the map from this pivotal moment. Should've been a likely 2-0 for VP

  15. People are crack heads putting complexity at 0-3.

  16. Literally everything went my way except for Apeks losing in round 4 so I ended up wiith 4 points

  17. Think the stats are misleading though, KSCERATO was great today

  18. Nahhh that had to be the funniest throw ive ever seen. The casters reaction also made it gold

  19. OG could actually do some damage if they remove F1KU

  20. I don't know how that guy is still on the team after all this time, actually the definition of mid

  21. Apeks is team made of bellow average supports but if it works it works... (im not saying that og works. I am just saying that you can make a good team with average or bellow average player, if there is chemistry etc.)

  22. Yeah fair point, but the thing is that OG hasn't been working for over a year now so f1ku definitely is one of the problems

  23. I’m not a fan of either team. One team has a player that got away with using the coach bug and the other team is bringing our scene closer to extinction with each tournament they play at.

  24. i believe after 14k its cheaters only. the best ranks to be in is around 10k until volvo installs anticheat.

  25. People out here really thinking that jks is the magical fix to every team

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