
  1. this isnt how i wanted it to go down guys. im sorry for everything

  2. No worry, in part 2 they will introduce farming. I mean, crops farming with seasons and weather.

  3. Di indo itu yg fans nazi banyak bener..

  4. Buka bisnis di Indonesia sulit, praktek birokrat yang kotor dan berbelit-belit, praktek pungli gak ada abisnya, turunnya daya beli masyarakat.

  5. Kalo hukumannya kyk gitu, udah jelas mereka ga tw apa2 ataupun tujuan ospek sebenarnya. Fuck these twats.

  6. Kenapa di tong sampah? Ga tw apa itu kotorin tempat jadinya plus repotin staf kebersihan?

  7. Wah gw gak tau dah, tapi yg pasti gw juga dapat hukuman karena salah bawa item/barang buat OSPEK-nya.

  8. Ortunya gmn sih? Kok udah merokok dari usia 11 tahun? Kalo misal ngumpet2 kan tetep ketahuan dari bau rokoknya.

  9. di salah satu forum obscure yg gw sering tongkrongin, gak lama lalu ngebahas soal serangan iran ini, kurang lebih ngebahas apakah serangan ini itu sebenernya "futile", atau hanya show of power, yada yada, gak penting...

  10. I’m sorry but it’s hard for me to empathize with this man. He said he was just doing his job, well i’m sure the Nazis felt that way or better yet, i’m sure TNI in Timor Leste felt that way too.

  11. Keknya populasi reddit beneran anomali, setiap ada bawa bawa meme soal rokok di sosmed lain, gua males baca, apalagi nimbrung. Isinya mayoritas justifikasi doang

  12. Merokok buat alasan networking itu bullshit menurut gw. Temen gw perokok atasan gw perokok. Gw bukan perokok tapi masih bisa networking kalau ditawarin rokok tinggal bilang "Maaf, gw ga ngerokok." kalau mereka ngerokok ya terserah mereka gw ga peduli. Emang kalau bilang gw ga ngerokok terus ga jadi networking gitu?.

  13. Narasi merokok utk teman/networking itu dihembuskan sama ... TADAAAAAAA ... perusahaan rokok.

  14. I'm surprised by how many people are dismissing this outright. I have been doing this for years and have found it very valuable.

  15. Tests should be isolated, once it's red, we can quickly find it and fix it. When we know the given condition and the existing data, debugging it will be so easy.

  16. Tried to use GraphQL in Go, the option is to write the GraphQL code manually or use gqlgen which generates 100k lines of code.

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