
  1. I'm pretty good at reading people and i think she's the type of person who like Hunting, Liberty, Guns, Beer and Trump

  2. When did you get the notice?

  3. I usually explain by saying that I take chunks of metal and make useful stuff out if it

  4. I thought that was the issues when that Pittburgh company came in. I think it was Tower, they were destroying hospitals.

  5. Talking about Tower Health? They're not killing hospitals, they're killing the patients. Worst network ever!

  6. I'm waiting for my not quite stepdaughter to get up so I can tell her this. She is gonna kill me. Then she'll be double fatherless

  7. Greatly appreciate. I must have struck a nerve there, last I checked I was down 8 votes

  8. After the phrase "all lives matter" became weaponized I now just stick with "I'm an equal opportunity discriminater."

  9. Ooh another South likes incest joke. How original. Your mom must be so proud of you.

  10. That’s nothing. I was impacted after an emergency c-section, emergency gallbladder removal, ERCP, and 14 days in the hospital. Went back to the ER because I hadn’t been able to urinate for 24 hours (shouldn’t have waited that long, I was miserable) and that’s when they said it was a total impaction to my stomach.

  11. Yours is worse. I actually sanitized my story cause I was tired and didn't feel like writing it all out, but I did take a trip to the hospital and the doctor digitally removed the blockage 😉🤣 she had a shit ton of safety gear on, but was in no way overdressed

  12. Oh yea, we tried the digital removal too 😭 Of course i got the doctor the size of King Kong with huge fingers. That sucked. I left out a few parts but you get the idea. Sharing the bathroom was the fucking worst. Never again will I take stool softeners for granted!

  13. Not sure how lucky I was, doctor had slim fingers but was an experienced lesbian (her wife is my mom's primary care physician)

  14. I'm actually leaving the trade myself. I spent 10 years learning and am at the point of programming and the only time I go for help is when the prints are fucked up. I'm in PA and nobody wants to pay a decent wage. Most guys are topped out at $25-28 and a few give their guys $30. My friend's dad works for one of the major big name military contractors, has been doing it for over 20 years and his son is 5 years into working at the same place as a welder and makes more than he does. I have 4 standing offers from companies to get my CDL and drive for them making more than I do now. The wage increase I would see immediately is the entry wage the one company is offering with a considerable increase after a year. Sad to say but the boss is right. I went from thinking about buying my own machine to making a career change in the last year. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy machining, but I also want to have certain things in life.

  15. I trust their beef. Almost any onions will do. It’s the bread options that concern me

  16. I don't think I can do anything better than refer you to this classic, and no it's not a Rick roll

  17. Pootin is somehow way stupider than it appears. It is very surprising this is possible.

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