
  1. This is a perfect example of the anti free speech Marxist culture that dominates Reddit

  2. You are real dumb, like that extra special kind of dumb that you get from eating paint chips off the monkey bars. You are not experiencing anti free speech; you are experiencing consequences of your free speech at the hands of others exercising their own free speech. Critique is not censorship you drippy toad.

  3. Most of the bottom shelf stuff in my club are indoor smalls from top shelf growers. It's mostly what I recommend. Industrial standards in California are high enough that the cheap shit is great if you know what to look for.

  4. Sorry a genocide was inconvenient for you. But I can't with this post, large groups of people disrupting normal work flow for a city is a historic and effective strategy to coerce change from people in power. Not to mention this is the Bay we do this shit all the time, literally multiple times a year for different causes.These protests are announced and planned publicly in advance maybe if you were a little more engaged with this from the beginning you could have planned accordingly. Claiming the protests are not effective or valuable because you were inconvenienced is some real NIMBY shit.

  5. Decriminalization over legalization any day. Makes it legal to buy but illegal to grow tells you all you need to know.

  6. my middle school had one in Sandy. there was a weird hallway under the stage in the auditorium; it was down a flight of stairs and connected to another part of the school, I think the gym. about half way down there was another locked door to a separate hallway that led to the church across the street.

  7. Zero I was part of Washington's medical consultant program 7 years ago. It was cool working with high needs cannabis patients but the whole industry has shifted and I don't even think I can find a job doing that anymore. Now I just sling cheap white label eighth's to tourists

  8. Educate people the best I can. I don't like lying to folks. Same goes for people asking for high thc

  9. pretty sure that dude won a Grammy and is the only string player to get a full ride at Berklee

  10. Just got rejected from all 8 of my grad school applications I barely got into my undergrad school and it was not on the first try. I'm gonna apply to 8 more next year. You can quit trying or you can eat that frog and try again. If it's something you really want to do rejection is just something you gotta get used to.

  11. Reads like the back story for a group of metal gear baddies

  12. worked at different clubs across the west coast for the about 8 years. if you come in asking for high numbers we laugh to ourselves and sell you the boo boo no one else wants. it all has high numbers.

  13. You realize libsoftiktok almost strictly reposts what the left says from their own mouth?

  14. After my parents got divorced my mom convinced me the childcare payments she was taking from my dad were my college fund. I got 500 bucks after I graduated and have 60,000 in student loans

  15. Old timey polite language is good portraying contemporary gender neutral attitudes. I'm from the rural mountain west, y'all was always part of my language but I use it more now as an adult in San Francisco. Y'all and howdy are neutral language great for navigating queer spaces.

  16. As a fellow southpaw why would you aim for the rear leg when their liver is literally served to you on a silver platter?

  17. The degree does not matter in theory but in my experience it has made a pretty big difference in finding gallery representation after school. I think there are a couple reasons for that I think are worth understanding.

  18. As a generation can we not do the pearl clutching thing our parents did over our media.

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