
  1. Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys? Incredibly inept and spineless PI, accompanied by an exasperated Russell Crowe.

  2. And baby advice changes every few months, so whatever you did with your baby last year, YOU DID IT WRONG AND YOUR CHILD WILL SUFFER HORRIBLY.

  3. God yeah. Especially about sleeping. Currently its: alone in crib on back in a baby sleeping bag OR THEY WILL DIIIIE, cousin had his kid 3 years ago and it was 'sleeping in their side propped up by rollef blanket OR THEY'LL DIIIIE'. Main thing seems to be extreme caution around co sleeping and no smoking, drugs or booze (for parents) and avoid other toys or objects in crib.

  4. Love love love Leyendecker, massively underappreciated artist. Much prefer his work to Rockwell's.

  5. As far as I know, emails are built using html like a website from 2006.

  6. yeah, it'll be html and css but all the css has to be inline and there's a lot of oddities from various email clients you have to be mindful of (especially Outlook, which fucks everrything)

  7. Ask the sellers about any furniture that they are not wanting to move with them- you might be able to get a bargain and some good starting setup if you don't have some pieces. For example- we managed to negotiate with previous owners to get the following for £600- dishwasher, fridge freezer, washing machine, shed, sofa, recliner, armchair, dining table and chairs, curtains, wardrobe. We'll end up replacing a lot of these eventually with our own stuff but it saved a hell of a lot in initial cost for a bundle of good quality white goods and basic furniture. And saved them a bunch on moving fees for things they didn't wanted to shift.

  8. if G*mers can't jack off to their character, it's bad!

  9. The funniest thing about this debate is the complete disregard for men's feelings people pushing "toxic masculinity" have.

  10. Honestly as a feminist I agree. A lot of progressive ideals are communicated in a way thats intensely offputting to the people theyre trying to reach most. The meaning of it is not well communicated in the term and it can come across as an attack on men, ESPECIALLY to any men that are already anti feminist or feel emasculated to begin with. I much prefer hegemonic masculinity as a term but it's also a bit of a mouthful. Best way is probably just speaking in plain terms absent of buzzword ie something more like 'rigid gender roles of how 'real men' 'should' act behave and think are limiting and damaging to everyone, especially mem themselves. Nobody should be limited to a life arbitrarily dictated by traditional gender roles, men should be able to experience and express a full range of emotions and interests without fearing emasculation or social stigma'

  11. It is sexism and I've got no issue calling it that, but it's a very specific type. When we're talking about it in women it mostly gets called toxic gender roles or internalised misogyny, maybe internalised misandry fits.

  12. It is pretty surreal... And yes, getting the human out is kind of intimidating... I knew it would happen, I tried to prepare, but there's really nothing quite like giving birth. Labor is long and difficult, and the actual birthing feels like the convulsions of vomiting, but it goes down instead of up. That's my opinion as someone that has birthed two babies without any pain meds.

  13. I don't really know what I expected childbirth to feel like, but I was caught off guard by it feeling like really terrible food poisoning. Got to 7cm dilated before I accepted that it was contractions and not the consequences of a bad takeout the night before. Somehow I expected it to be more vagina-y and less gut wrenching convulsions.

  14. So I've just had a baby. She was slightly premature which left her with severe reflux and inability to latch- her feeds need to be thickened with carobel to stay down. We spent 3 weeks in hospital with her, for a while she was on a feeding tube. Now she's off the tube after a lot of hard work encouraging her to bottle feed, but still needs the thickener meaning breastfeeding directly is impossible. Expressing breastmilk I can only get 20ml every 3 hrs, she needs 120ml every 3 hrs.

  15. As a lesbian myself I’d love to see how they’re gonna possibly police this. Plus from the sound of it many lesbians have already decide to boycott the place. I’ll give it 12 months before it closes.

  16. Lesbian bars have a rough time surviving as it is, and most lesbians I know are trans accepting. Can't see this lasting long purely as a business model unless it gets filled with straight anti trans activists, which would kind of defeat the whole purpose anyway, without even touching any ethical concerns.

  17. The amount of gaslighting that goes on in maternity care is similarly nightmarish.

  18. I gave birth last month. Was having really painful frequent contractions, called triage and was told very coldly that they were definitely just braxton-hicks, and even if they were labour then not to worry because as a first time mother it would probably last hours before active labour began. Thr whole tone was completely condescending. They were so painful I went to the hospital anyway and they found I was 7cm dilated and told I didn't have time for an epidural - which they ended up having to do in a mad panic anyway because the baby twisted to face the wrong was and I needed forceps and an episiotomy. The theatre team were horrendous and swarmed me with 5 people at once on eqch arm pulling me about and failing to place a cannula between them leaving me with massively bruises arms and suspected permanent nerve damaged from one failed site on my wrist.

  19. I'm just here impressed that it's Aquaman_Cup_UK_V2_A4.indd not Aquaman_Cup_UK_final-hires-amended-FINAL-wordingchange_V12.indd

  20. Around 20 weeks or so I'd say- I'm a first timer and they said it can take a little longer for the movements to be obvious. Currently at 36 weeks and she has a complete kickboxing workout every evening, so whilst it took a while to be obvious, it's SUPER clear now.

  21. Stranger than Fiction. A man with an extremely unremarkable life starts to hear a voice narrating his life. Other than that I'd recommend going in completely blind.

  22. "theres no agenda against men, i dont get why boys are looking up to andrew tate its pathetic"

  23. No, I don't think there's any articles out there that would make me go 'you know what, this rapist sex trafficer scumbag has some valid points'

  24. I'm with you on the first. However I think uniforms are a good idea when it means poorer kids aren't bullied for not having the "right clothes" by their peers. However uniforms should be basic like black trousers, jumpers, shoes etc with badges that should be sewn on so it's cheaper.

  25. I went to a regular school in a very rich area with a strict uniform policy, it does nothing to stop bullying/clarity of divide between rich/poor. It just transfers to the fine details; phones, hairstyles, watches, shoes, bags, glasses, etc. All whilst adding another financial burden for the poorer students in a shitload of useless branded school logo shite deemed essential to buy. End effect being the poor kids wearing badly fitting expensive school-branded shite for longer to try to get more use out of it.

  26. do black people have no history, why do they keep taking famous white people and making them black, it makes black people look like there wasn't a important black person who did anything of value outside of nelson mandela so they just take a white person and make them black because reasons

  27. I assumed it is because now I am older they don't want to risk me smacking them in the face and shouting to an entire train that they are a fucking creep.

  28. Sadly, i think this is fairly common regarding bystanders not helping. It boils down to how much danger they perceive to themselves. I imagine it being a uniformed soldier didn't really help in that regard. Sorry that happened to you.

  29. Yeah, it's complicated one honestly. Getting involved in an active fight- I wouldn't expect that really of anyone, but if it's a situation where someone much more vulnerable is actively looking for help,

  30. And he really knows what he's on about, speaking as a 500-year old eldritch undead abomination.

  31. Dear ministers: what, and I cannot stress this enough, in the actual fuck, is wrong with you, you cretinous band of bigoted troglodytes. Of all the fucking catastrophes, social ills, actual crises and disasters unvravelling this fucking country: THIS is what you spend your limited time on? Really? Fucking...seriously?

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