
  1. You tried to be a smart ass about something her and her family value deeply just apologize

  2. Wait look at those stars 3... 3....... 3.............. oh my god it's confirmed

  3. Both my doctor and my mom say they think they have undiagnosed adhd then whenever I say my meds don't seem to be working because of x reason they both agree that it's normal cause they have experienced it

  4. The NHS historically has looked after broken bodies first and not minds. If you need cancer treatment or have broken something you're straight in but mental help is almost non existent.

  5. Bro I nearly crashed cause I was trying to tell if a path had always been there we're at least a little broken

  6. When I was a kid, my mom’s friend had her six year old on a super strict macrobiotic diet because she was convinced a single red M&M was the cause of the little girl’s ADD.

  7. I’d rather teach her that there are many other black women who graduated med school and let her know that she could also be a doctor.

  8. Dude the point was not that she didn't think black people could be doctors it's that she hadn't seen one before and her mind immediately jumped to the only black doctor she knew about. Just make the kids day lean into it it'll be a better experience for the kid and in my opinion way more likely to convince her to be a doctor.

  9. He lost me at the stuffed animal. If your girlfriend is 6months pregnant (when he found out about the cheating) I hope you’ve purchased more than just a stuffed animal to give the baby “some day” ??

  10. I figure it was probably a stuffed animal of some significance heirloom or something

  11. I'm way to scared to accidentally do this if I have any suspicion I might have already take it I'll just go without

  12. Would you still have the same skills and abilities if you couldn’t hyperfocus on them?

  13. it has an obvious definition yes, but a lot of liberals like to use it in the context of calling anyone to the left of them one

  14. Idk man I guess I just haven't had any experience of that but it's not like that makes it lose any semblance of meaning there are people who are tankies and they are super annoying and we should strive to not have any of them on this sub because again they are REALLY ANNOYING

  15. they are, but their views are ridiculous in the first place and do not take much to disprove.

  16. Oh did someone tell you that during recess cause I'd like to have a talk with there parents... Also both were real people st nick was a saint who gave people presents and Jesus was a real person you can deny the miracles but he did exist

  17. I mean weed smell is pretty annoying and there are other ways to consume weed so what's the problem

  18. While that is admittedly WAY better than what we have now, that's still unjust in the sense that people have no say in stuff.

  19. Corruption always happens and every single economic system crumbles when it's introduced the fact that corruption and gaming the system exist just isn't a good argument cause we've seen it happen before under communism just in different forms. If everyone had good intentions every form of government would work

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