
  1. "Tf you mean moon? Yeah I guess moon is pretty, but what?"

  2. Well then ig you're getting unlucky with bugs, cause that pretty much never happens with me

  3. I look into the comments after this it seem to be a know thing glad I am not crazy lol

  4. no, I was referred to Skyrim modder, not Bethesda I mean I think he either moded it himself or got it from someone i think there was a video about it at one time a few years ago i mean there is a sex mod so I won't be surprised if there is a "murder them" mod... you will be surprised how darkest humans can go

  5. Gotta have help in making you deal with your trauma and making them into a weapon

  6. Correct me if I am wrong but Didn't I remember there a lore that new york is gone or something like that unless they retcon(?) that

  7. Tbh I need to play fo76 again I stop playing since 3or4(?) Year ago but dunno if I could play it on PC or keep playing on PS4

  8. Is this, by any chance, based on the Xiangling copypasta from Genshin Impact?

  9. I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play dieluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world

  10. I might be wrong I think it comes out in this free dlc or pre-order for the final shapes

  11. I’m not dirty the house just came like this and its rusty

  12. "well that your problem as they passed it on to you, chosen one" /s

  13. The simulacrum is unlocked by purchasing the simulacrum access key from Cephalon Simaris on any relay.

  14. Have a friend who think my sweet business rig build will be useless in dungeon ( when spire comes out or I think it after when it in rotation) but after saw boss hp going down in 2 rounds and he thought he wanted to take me to raid because how insane I was doing with it and I told him nah I don't like raid nor will do the raids plus it not really "meta"

  15. The build I use is just Strongholds & either a sword with cold steel or Lament depending on the champions present. Combine strongholds with the fragment that gives grenade energy when taking damage, and you can very easily cycle in glacier grenades to provide cover and freeze champions, then proc restoration x2 from strongholds.

  16. i want stasis titan sword... since we got solar and void..

  17. That fine i finally had motivation to get something important... The black shader

  18. Don't think so, pso is on route to fix our area and maybe done by 2pm

  19. Can we all agree that showers in the middle of sand is the worst idea ever? Yes there’ll always be sand present cause it’s coarse, rough, and gets everywhere but at least put it next to concrete so the amount of sand tracked is minimal.

  20. I know you might not doing it on purpose but I saw starwar referring lol

  21. As a healer, I feel like it’s our job to help dictate the flow of battle. Remember, it’s not just you playing - it’s 3 other people in that dungeon. We need to be respectful of other players’ abilities. If I see my tank might not be geared enough or is asking what to do since it’s their first time running I’m not going to make them do huge pulls. I always say, do what you’re comfortable with, see how the team does and if you want you can start to pull bigger groups.

  22. Seems like a good dad to me. I’d do this too. Maybe I’d talk to the parents first before I went right to pressing charges, but I get it.

  23. I’ve had the opposite. Jumping into free roam to complete a riven and getting cussed out by a random for not helping them with a bounty that they started from an outpost. After I finished my riven I hard carried them because I’m a nice guy but it really rubbed my the wrong way.

  24. I always go in solo for mining, fishing or doing riven tbh

  25. The only flaw with this image is the mentor crown. Mentors are...let's call it "a very mixed bag."

  26. Have meet most mentor in dungeon and trial who is toxic includes novice chat

  27. Of course only people playing destiny 2 right now are hunter mains

  28. Lol would be titan main if there a tank builds ( no, that solar tank builds don't count as brightness hurts my eyes and don't like solar and arc) and I already have stronghold build but useless to float boss...

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