
  1. My sympathy has been depleted for parents like you. This is what you agree to when you decide to have a child. Sounds harsh, but this is the real world. You had an autistic child, had a neurotypical child, and now a Down’s Syndrome child? It’s as if the first child wasn’t enough and you had to keep trying for a second “normal” one. If you’d known it was Down’s Syndrome from the tests, would you have aborted him/her? Please, please tell me you’re not going to try for a fourth to have your perfect “normal” baby. If you’re going to mistreat this child or neglect them because they weren’t what you dreamed of, please give them up for adoption now to a family who will love them as they are. Parents like you are exhausting.

  2. She shouldn't have done that, but damn, is this really THAT big of a deal?? She admitted she was wrong too

  3. Lol so he is ok with something he considers murder if the “murder” perpetrator was raped first? Interesting ethical system he has there

  4. I thought the CGI was fantastic personally - especially episode 5 with judgement day scene and the sophon creation scene

  5. Exactly. Someone made a very good point elsewhere on this subreddit:

  6. That really isnt the case - showrunners will go wherever they get the most freedom/budget

  7. Because most of the population equate their gender and biological sex - it’s the “default” - the term trans is to clarify when someone’s gender and sex are not consistent

  8. Keep going and you might find Megatron frozen down there

  9. When I realized he doesn't take no for an answer for ANYTHING.

  10. Bitch Don’t Grill My Cheese always irrationally upsets me when I see it on Grubhub. It’s easily the stupidest name I’ve ever seen.

  11. It’s also edited in the word bitch if I remember correctly

  12. Really funny watching dementia donny try to walk back his abortion ban this week, he knows he fucked up bad with that but his ego won’t let him admit it

  13. I didn't know about the song of inverted time back in the day so that game was impossible for me. Could never beat the Great Bay temple in time. I remember being pretty scared of the game too, skull kid, the moon, those giants and a lot of the areas were creepy as shit for me as a child.

  14. My family struggled with Ocarina of Time. We had Internet, but for whatever reason we didn't look up any solutions. It was, of course, the Water Temple. My dad came home and said he peaked through a guide and find out we could jump the bridge to Geruedo Valley with Epona. Didn't help with the Water Temple, but it was exciting to have something to explore.

  15. Yeah you’re not gonna get far in Gerudo Fortress without the longshot from the water temple silly

  16. you mean leaving two young infants with a dad WORKING FULL TIME and no childcare is irresponsible? Dude thats basically abandonment, im shocked she even came back. maybe she didnt originally intend too.

  17. Ngl the "I am" at the end was pretty funny though

  18. Yeah it's not only her body but also his child. Call me anti choice or mysoginistic or whatever but I believe men should also have a right in a decision regarding their offspring.

  19. Regardless of belief or opinion objectively speaking embryos literally are your offspring. The embryo is still biologically your child, and embryos are considered a stage of human development by the vast vast majority of biologists.

  20. Faith. We were never promised proof, we were asked to have faith. I’m struggling with this too atm, I’ve been feeling too hopeless to have faith.

  21. You should read a book on how evolution works, it does a great job explaining how life came about despite the odds

  22. and they are heading to Earth to take our planet, but they are about 400 years away

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