
  1. yep. thankfully i don’t have to drive to work anymore but that’s only because i happen to live right by a bus stop that runs directly into my local city. this has been said before but i don’t think europeans really comprehend the sheer size of the US, especially taking into account our population density, which makes developing public transit really difficult cuz the distance between population centers is pretty large. my daily commute at my previous job was around 30 minutes one way and it was only a town over lol.

  2. honestly dungeons and dragons was a fun ass watch but i see why it bombed

  3. samurai champloo!!! whole anime is the definition of it’s about the journey, not the destination. would also recommend mushishi!

  4. oh i thought that was like. the whole point of his character lmao. like the devil on ken’s shoulder

  5. hey listen i know you’re just some stranger on the internet and i don’t have any reason to be invested in your safety but do me a favor and never get in the car with him again

  6. i think a lot of people are misinterpreting what the girls are doing as some stupid tiktok challenge, but i promise you guys it’s not. they’re doing organized, difficult choreo that’s usually performed by professionals on a stage, that requires hours and hours of practice to learn. the girls look so upset not because they’re entitled airheads but because that shit actually requires. yknow. effort.

  7. There should be an anti-TikTok challenge where the rest of us constantly mess up people's TikTok videos.

  8. im all for fucking with tiktokers but this isn’t some dance challenge video. they’re doing kpop choreo, which sounds just as stupid at first until you like. actually see what they’re doing. you need actual practice and some actual talent to execute it well, and most stuff like this gets posted to youtube anyways

  9. acting like this for a dude named walter is arguably the most insane part

  10. damn can you imagine how far down into the water you’d go? i get nervous about how long it takes to resurface after going off a 20’ board, let alone this kind of shit

  11. the guys at my local thai place do this lol. i come in to get a snack every once in awhile and they always ask me where i was if i don’t show up for a week. it’s pretty nice honestly, we’re practically friends

  12. taking “wrapped around a pole” to a brand new level holy shit

  13. goofy little dude crazy that this killing machine going the speed of a car looks like 0 ___ 0

  14. dude my introduction to the internet was music videos on youtube and i would always come back, without fail, to i am the best and fantastic baby. added them to my playlist for shits and giggles when i upgraded to spotify earlier this year and it was a nostalgia hit so hard i nearly blacked out. THE songs for sure

  15. Seattle must be steep af bc that freezing rain made its way under parked car tires

  16. nah literally i have no idea when or how i ended up learning this but apparently it used to be so much worse. back in the early 1900s or something they literally blasted away the worst of the hills with firehoses. actually leveled them. which means that the steep ass hills they have today are the mild ones they decided to leave behind lmfao

  17. that’s the noise of a failing small engine not a piece of tech what the hell

  18. revolutionary writer in the soviet union and this is like. the only existing pic of you. at least a hundred american college students have it taped to their dorm wall

  19. throughout this video i kept trying to come up with a visual description for these guys and i just fucking can’t

  20. I have a friend that went through a windshield and landed in a pool of acid. Fucked his arm up good. He’s a good sport about it though.

  21. okay dumb question but where the fuck are you getting acid out of a car

  22. one time as a jc at summer camp our supervisor (for lack of better word) made us haul wood across camp and one of my buddies got one of these down his shirt. i wouldve laughed at him for screaming and dropping a whole pile of firewood on his foot but honestly thinking about it still makes me shudder

  23. my first time seeing this and holy shit this is borderline comedic timing. good lord

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