
  1. I also thought it was because Alex was nice to Jenna in a way Spencer wouldn't be lol. Spencer would've admitted to getting a new perfume or made a snarky comment, not an excuse

  2. i thought A escaped. also i clearly don’t remember much from s1 so i will def need to do a rewatch prior to s2. none the less i am excited!!

  3. I literally just finished season 1 & A did escape from the hospital

  4. 22, combined type. My first eval at 20 was wrong because the psychologist wouldn't listen to me and insisted my symptoms were because of the tumult in my life at the time.

  5. In an utopic scenario, yeah. But no country can afford an endless money sinkhole that public transport can easily turn into.

  6. With the added transportation of populations that don't have access to cars, it'll increase tourism and commuting for work. Both of those should bolster the economy

  7. I knew some softball players who's coach had been talking about getting the ball rolling for becoming a D1 school. However, the process is apparently super long. A school can only have two D1 teams (men & women's hockey at RIT) before having to go through the whole process of be coming D1.

  8. Just over 76 years for Americans, a year less for white males.

  9. I swear tall people do not have good chances of being healthy in old age. All of the very healthy 90 year olds, who look & act like they're 50, I've seen are short (under 5'6) with the exception of ONE patient

  10. That haleb shower scene is one of my favorite tv scenes ever

  11. I also hold my pen like this! Wondering if the other lat quads like me also injured their index finger young at all? I've always assumed I write like this because in 1st grade I got my finger caught in a door so couldnt use it for like a month while the stitches were healing. Since this grip doesn't really use the index finger much (I can take my index off the pen completely without affecting my writing), I figure I had to write like this and then it just stuck but don't remember doing it intentionally

  12. No hand injuries while young for me. However, I am hypermobile

  13. Hmmm. Any other folks that have good hand writing.

  14. I wouldn't be surprised if people around our age are pill poppers since our parents also had pill popping problems 😅

  15. I hate these, and have no idea how they look good on others. It's so confusing to me lol. I think they are too stiff for our body type or you have to be super super skinny. I like paige, hudson, frame, nydj (not very trendy).. any jeans that are soft and flexible.

  16. The kind of Jean really matters at Abercrombie. I can't wear straight leg jeans, at all. My favorite Abercrombie jeans were the vintage denim curve love dad jeans, which I've literally never seen aside from the 1 pair I have. I also really like their vintage denim wide leg jeans and their stretchy denim skinny jeans. I don't really like the mom jeans I got, although that might be because they're too big on me. Gaining weight has really messed with my perception of my size 😅

  17. If it makes you feel any better, half of the physicians at my large hospital are DOs, including neuro and CT surgery

  18. I work with quite a few DO radiologists at my academic medical center

  19. I hate birth control pills; they make my symptoms worse and I get a bunch of side effects. However, there is nothing wrong with birth control & I'm glad other people do get relief from it. I don't take birth control, but I take myfembree. Hormone medications are hormone medications in my book, regardless of if they're tested for pregnancy prevention. I'll take my toxic pill over anything

  20. As an adhd-haver I’m so sorry for u guys 😭 you’re fr out here battling, not a day passes where I don’t hear someone yapping about how “everyone is a little ocd” “I’m so blessed to have ocd 😇😇😇” stay strong kings, queens and other monarchs

  21. i dont even breathe when i go to the bathroom TT

  22. Convincing myself to breathe in the dirty linen room at work is my exposure therapy

  23. It is really, Really, REALLY hard to get out of poverty. It requires a lot of hard work over a long time and a dose of luck. It's not like people are saying "I'm poor, that's awesome!"

  24. I'm trying to overcome generational poverty and it is so hard, mentally and physically. It really sucks to see how other people were able to succeed because they had parents who paid for everything they needed

  25. I worked at Walmart, when the government gave everyone $1200. Most people were out buying TVs and iPads. 🤔

  26. iPads can be incredibly useful, especially if you're a student

  27. you are reading way too much into it. I have 22% african dna and I am pale and burn in the sun and have risk for melanoma lol. That is not how dna works

  28. I'm 100% European, am fair but hardly burn. I don't tan either... genetics are weird

  29. While it is an outdated term, lots of Indigenous people still call themselves Indian, it’s a complicated/changing relationship with the word. It’s also not isolated South Eastern US (source: my Cree family in Canada). The largest subreddit for Indigenous and Native American people on Reddit has Indian in the title.

  30. From what I've seen, most people with indigenous heritage prefer to be called Indian/American Indian

  31. Change the back splash! See how it looks after & decide if you want to refinish the cabinets. I love the countertops though

  32. Am I missing something?? How is this kitchen outdated?

  33. I think the color scheme gives off very 2000s Tuscan vibes. The main thing I'd change would be the backsplash

  34. These just look like very nice, clear pores to me. It's possible they're catching the light in a way that makes them look bumpy. Do you have any pictures of a time when these didn't exist?

  35. He probably beat the shit of her. My paternal grandmother grew tired of being abused and she left one day and never came back, left the kids too.

  36. He did not. The only woman he ever laid a hand on was his second wife, who nearly tortured my mother to death. Literally. Additionally, my maternal grandmother ran down south, had kids there, and ALSO left them for periods of time. Some people are flighty.

  37. you mean leaving two young infants with a dad WORKING FULL TIME and no childcare is irresponsible? Dude thats basically abandonment, im shocked she even came back. maybe she didnt originally intend too.

  38. This happened to my grandpa. He married my grandmother, they had my mom, and she basically took off for two-three years. He filed for divorce after she tried to take my mom with her. They were married for about four years and he divorced her on the grounds of "gross neglect of duty." This was in 1968

  39. Lobotomies were cruel procedures with no benefit. Even the doctor who invented the procedure was against its use by the time it became popular. This is a safe, effective treatment

  40. Why do you think it should be illegal? It's used to treat treatment resistant ocd and has a 60% success rate. I can't imagine the relief someone who has tried everything and almost given up must feel when they are finally cured.

  41. Probably for the same reason people want ECT banned or are terrified of it. It has an 80% success rate for treatment resistant depression

  42. Wait a second.... I thought Ashly didn't even know about Byron's cheating?

  43. Once they separated, word got around real quick. That’s what I understood anyways

  44. Hey! I don't have any advice, but I'm in a similar boat as you. I'm a first gen high school graduate, college grad, and (hopefully future) physician. I'm from a low income household and also experienced the 3.6-2.8 gpa drop around the same time. However, I do not come from an immigrant family. I had a lot of mental issues, including completely unaddressed trauma, which caused me to do very poorly in school. You've seemed to recover better than I have so far. Anyways, I wish you the best and I hope I will make it to med school as well

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