
  1. You haven’t gotten there yet, but the last chapter in PoN is about surrender. And he hints throughout at how powerful this concept is. And when determining what type of meditation exercise to use, surrender is key. Because there’s a deeper intuitive sense of flowing with what’s best for the particular season of life. Sometimes it will be breath specific mindfulness (which is good for training concentration and cultivating calm) and sometimes it will be inner body awareness.

  2. The important thing is, do his teachings resonate with you?

  3. if our action is the manifested, before the action came the thought, and then before the thought was the idea, before the idea was the inspiration, before the inspiration was the consciousness, before the consciousness was the nothingness.. this nothingness is what is referred to as 'the Unmanifested.'

  4. One identity beyond all others

  5. This is the dance of the awareness, and you’re already on your way. You’re undergoing the gradual transition from mere moments of presence to presence most of the time. Keep at it and you will uncover more and more presence, and more and more peace. 

  6. To "drop your thoughts.." I like that.

  7. Stillness Speaks; I have a short attention span.

  8. You can try this: Pay attention to anything within you without judgement, anticipation, reservation or motivation. Stop labeling, judging and believing your own stories.

  9. I like your comment. You used words to describe meditation that I don't usually see.

  10. It might be helpful to OP to add that an integrative practice like this may result in several benefits.

  11. Thanks for reminding me to be mindful of my behavior.

  12. I've had something like the Truman Show Delusion for about 14 years. It's a stressful experience.

  13. I had the same delusion. I know it feels very real and insanely intrusive but it's in your head. Medicines and therapy and talking out your beliefs and why you believe them and why they probably aren't true are all really helpful. Sorry you're feeling like this 🙁

  14. Just want to let you know I don’t know you man. And I had the same thing when I wasn’t feeling too good. If you never had them the meds can help with this I hope it makes you feel like yourself.

  15. What made you stop believing your old delusion?

  16. The classic example of that practice is -- Who? Who is hearing, thinking, or who am I?

  17. Reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's words: "Don't look for any other state than the one you're in now."

  18. To spend most of your life in the moment.

  19. Michael Taft and Shinzen Young are both really interesting.

  20. Michael Taft is the best unknown teacher.

  21. Thank you for the reward, whoever it was!

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