
  1. I watched his interview on that hot sauce show and was in tears laughing. I was also amazed at his tolerance for hot sauce.

  2. Simple resolution. Don’t use their shipping labels. I’ve been shipping with pirate ship and never looked back

  3. A big band song about accidentally discovering you have a cake fart fetish

  4. My sales are up. Haven’t changed anything, but I have always offered free shipping. I think the new fees have made buyers more price sensitive and more likely to pick a free shipping listing.

  5. The stores with good selection always have high prices. That’s why they have a good selection… No one’s buying them. The stores with good prices have nothing to buy but sports games because the good stuff is instantly snatched up

  6. I have submitted a missing cash back and they come back saying that Lego didn’t pay the commission so they can’t give me cash back.

  7. I have the same issue. Did it ever get resolved?

  8. It’s a gift from the river spirit. Use it to transform your parents back into humans or to calm noface

  9. Stop and get someone who knows what they are doing to do what ever you are attempting. If you don’t know if that’s a messed up pin or not you WILL mess up this project. Learn how to solder on things you don’t care about

  10. You couldn’t pay me enough to enter that room

  11. I would just use a replacement board and move the chips

  12. Yep. Two little clips at the bottom and the contacts slide right out

  13. You can in the official info video game…

  14. Looks like mostly Xbox’s, 360s, and ps2s that have already had their good parts picked. Junk lot I wouldn’t take for free just because of the space it takes up

  15. I hate everything you do. Keep up the good work 👍

  16. Mega-ultra chicken? No,shhh! He is legend!

  17. Some kind of school text. Good as kindling and not much else

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