
  1. Owen and all the guys tweeting stuff like this should make sure they never come across a Kelce brother. Guys like him don't realize how unhuman professional athletes are.

  2. And even if he was wearing it backward, he’d have no problem laughing at himself.

  3. Not even if lol it was def backwards. He has never worked with one so it's understandable.

  4. Why give a shit? It doesn't affect you or me just grab some apps during it and move on.

  5. Used to be on sheep duty on Domo and top the DPS charts

  6. Do you mean when the game is loading? Or downloading the game to install?

  7. there's a gut punch. Never look at old stuff like that unless they are with you. A past is a past . You may open this up to a more kink filled sex life though. She may be playing vanilla because she thinks that's what a man wants to marry.

  8. I want the guy who punched himself in the balls while trying to put a condom on and then couldn't get his dick hard and then faked a call that his friend had a flat tire and he needed to go help him to send me this message

  9.'s not how they work they roll there is no pulling lol. Did he unroll it then try to put it on like a sock or pantyhose? Maybe the sex Ed banana and condom rolling practice in the 90s was a good thing. Gotta ask my kids if they still do this

  10. I don't have that patience dogs getting tied to the pole and that bike getting thrown out of my way across the street

  11. this right here if actually is in the files and not fakr. tells me Epstein just made stuff up while SAing these girls. Most of the stuff that he told them is probably all bullshit.

  12. I have literally never met a person like this in real life, ever, and yet the amount of them you see online you'd think they're a dime a dozen.

  13. I live in very red are central Pennsylvania and I have met a couple people like this. One at my work. Everyone just kind of ignored the behavior and tryed not to get fired for setting them off. The others were teenagers had abusive homes and no love while growing up and or suffered fr depression that wasn't treated. I've never met a person like this that didnt have a shit childhood.

  14. Not a single person on that beach knows how to tackle lmao

  15. Give the Cowboys a modern high fructose diet and they too would weigh 325, just like us

  16. I get the joke but this isn't talked about enough. A lot of those guy given the training and special diets and suppliments guys have these days would dominate just like they did in their time

  17. this is why I've started tipping per how much time I was there. If we in and out minimum 15. An hour max is 25. Amount of plates doesn't matter you get 15 - 25 an hour to work for me. I don't care if it's a super nice expensive place. I'm not paying you more per hour then I make, and if the tip is included when I get the check that's all you get. You're bringing me food you don't need an advanced degree to do it. Stop expecting 30$ plus tip because the food was expensive.

  18. my ex will plan a vacation the week before ours almost Everytime. So the kids are tired and just want to be home once our week hits. We stopped telling the kids and ex ahead of tine. The boys would always let it slip so we just surprised them.

  19. Most would die. I would probably eventually die. But I would go slow stay in starter zone till I was level 9 ish or until no mob gave experience. Always stay 5 levels above the zone never take a risk. If it's a pvp server I wouldn't worry everyone would be mostly worried about dieing

  20. if some dirty Italian I don't know touched my food hand won't be able to be used for a food 2 weeks after

  21. yes my 8yr old chubby ass was stuffed into a spandex shorts half top black with neon green strips around this time. What a strange time. There seem to be no pictures of that outfit . My dad knew

  22. if I was that kids father I'd be so happy right now. The amount of things I could dream up would make my Germanic Europe ancestors cringe.

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