
  1. I am offering to buy 100% of TikTok for $54.20 in cash, total. My offer is my best and final offer and if it is not accepted, I would need to reconsider my position as a shitposter.

  2. You’ll have to do better than my $420.69 bid.

  3. Pacing of this manga is all over the fuckin place

  4. The question was in regards to players in general not specifically the top QBs

  5. But it was in regards to first rounders. And ours will definitely be a top QB soooo

  6. Long Yi is the only character with any type of feat against a non-nerfed Shen. Hard to not put him at the top but they’re probably close.

  7. Some of those audiences were so lame. The OJ jokes were great.

  8. I highly doubt Mitt Romney voters became progressives lol

  9. Don’t gotta be the Redskins but sure as shit can’t stay the commanders. You know what to do, Josh.

  10. I live in a swampy climate and the expectation to keep frogs out of the pond is unrealistic. I just accept some amount of risk that is assumed with maintaining a mini ecosystem. No issues with the frogs yet tho after several years of keeping Koi.

  11. I mean if someone's family has been in America for generations they're just American, would be a hassle to make this post and say they're 10% English 10% Irish 10% German 10% Italian 10% Polish and 50% Korean!

  12. But American doesn’t tell you anything about how you’d expect someone to look based on phenotype. You could say 1/2 American and 1/2 Korean and still be 100% Korean racially.

  13. Sure, but it’s very obvious that they are using american interchangeably with white European.

  14. Which is a problem here many are pointing out. That’s not at all what ‘American’ is.

  15. Yup, saw a guy rush out of a public bathroom yesterday after peeing with no hands washed.

  16. Literally saw the same thing in Tokyo just hours ago and multiple times since being in Japan.

  17. I would say that a contributing factor would have to be the 30 year long concerted smear campaign by the right. She was a knowlegable, highly-skilled public servant who knew how to navigate the waters of Washington and actually get things accomplished. But when she was First Lady, she was seen as not demure enough and advocated for better healthcare for everyone, so she put a target on her back with the right that has persisted to this day. If she hadn’t been nationally demonized non-stop since 1992, she’d probably have been elected POTUS in 2008. If not, then definitely in 2016.

  18. Literally one of the most qualified people ever. If anyone could actually be prepared for the multifaceted responsibility of being president of the United States, it was her. But people just don’t like her. Media made sure of that.

  19. Hi Paul, I'm Tayne, your newest dancer. I can't wait to entertayne you. 

  20. The teams aren’t committed to the arena. Monumental simply is committed to their lease and they fully planned on continuing to host other events there. They don’t have to put on caps and wiz games there. This means nothing. Stop spreading this shitty reporting.

  21. Ted was never leaving cap one. They are just not hosting caps/wiz games there.

  22. They’ll just simply say “from the makers of BG3” on the product and that will work. Think about how they slapped “from GRRM and the creators of dark souls” on all of the elden ring promotional materials. That was more than enough. Larian will use their rep as the creators of BG3 to sell their next game and WotC will use the reputation of BG3 to sell BG4 with whoever they give it to (assuming they do, but they’re also incompetent so…). Everyone presumably gets to profit - but it’s larian who will make the next great game. BG4…less of a guarantee

  23. Can anyone tell us what GRRM actually has contributed? I think his “involvement” is way way oversold as a marketing tool. The naming conventions of the pantheon is very GRRM I guess

  24. He wrote the history of the world that takes place before the events of the game. Fromsoft takes it from there with the actual ongoing storylines and more varied characters outside of a couple key gods and demigods that GRRM outlined

  25. Idk why u get downvoted. People literally can just not pay five guys. But they do so they continue to raise the prices that people accept.

  26. I’ve never seen a single person irl or online that likes it. They gotta change.

  27. Only thing that matters is the result on the field

  28. Looks like he's getting pegged from behind 

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