
  1. A self proclaimed nice guy, seldom is an actual nice guy

  2. I've never understood that. If you have a quality, there shouldn't be anything wrong with bragging about it.

  3. Uh oh I got downvoted by some ā€œnice guysā€

  4. When I saw how theyā€™re trying to say native Americans volunteered to leave and wanted to change the name ā€œtrail of tearsā€ or how many wanna say slavery wasnt what it was and want to change history booksā€¦. I justā€¦

  5. This is very popular for men, not women though

  6. I think she grossly overestimating how much child support is going to cover. Sheā€™s picturing the life of a well kept housewife, not her future of the single mom with no skills working two minimum wage jobs and never going to do anything fun again.

  7. Watch and see the wife puts him on child support too so she can get less lmao

  8. I wouldnt say beat but I got punished physically and its why for the longest time Its why I feared adults and let them do whatever they wanted to me, its why I donā€™t punish my kids that way.

  9. Your wife is the AH shes mad at a you for a rhetorical she made up?

  10. Maybe they liked to hang things off that, idk?

  11. I work with an oriana shes from Venezuela, I love her name

  12. Genesis and Oriana are pretty common names in Spanish speaking placesā€¦ those are the only two I vouch for.

  13. We always used a bucket, its in the storage closet and its only used for outside things

  14. The amount of ppl in cults is so sad and alarming.

  15. The one on the left is slow and I hate ppl like her, ā€œwent missingā€ girl just tell yr fam ur busy but fine, its not hard are time consuming

  16. The mom needs jail too, why do ppl just keep leaving their kids with people who they have sex with.

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