
  1. Here’s to another sober day and the beautiful weather in a little town near Santa Fe. IWNDWYT

  2. Thank you so much, what a kind compliment. I had planned to have the quilt done by now, but I got stalled by life. I hope that May brings some quiet sewing evenings.

  3. You could do a strip of small multicolored diamonds all the way around and then another small black strip.

  4. I do have quite a lot of fabric left. Thank you…I’ll post what I end up doing!

  5. To my sister, who will never see this, but I wish she would. Stay away from me. Stay away from our mother. Stay away from my kids. For 7 years we’ve tried to help you with money and resources. And for seven years you’ve treated us like garbage. For seven years we’ve put up with it because we knew you were sick and suffering. We’ve begged you to go to rehab. We’ve done interventions. We housed your daughter when you left. We’ve given you thousands of dollars, made a down payment on a house for you and you never made one single payment. We tried letting you live with mom and you took advantage of her every single day you were there and refused to leave, you forced us to have you evicted. You continue to take and take and take. Being an addict myself I’ve given you the same grace shown to me. But Easter was the last straw. How dare you speak to me that way in front of my kids, all because you didn’t get your way. That’s always been your MO. If (sister’s name) doesn’t get her way, she’s going to lash out at everyone around her. And you know what? I didn’t care what you said to me, your opinion of me has been irrelevant for a long, long time. But I care when you act like a giant piece of shit in front of my kids. Because they are better than both of us and so is mom. I hope you get better, I really do. And also FUCK YOU. I’m allowed to cut off toxic pieces of my life and you bring me nothing but pain. I tried. And I’m out.

  6. Stick to your guns, beautiful sober human!! I’m proud of you. Tuck your hands in your pockets and close your ears to her plea. She’s going to come around begging eventually. I’m praying that you’re ready to ignore it all. You can love her and never let her back in. And she can fuck right off for that ugly bullshit she spewed in front of your baby birds.

  7. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  8. I am so proud of you. 10 years of a life worth living and a live worth saving. I view that story as God’s intervention, but no matter how you see it, I’m so glad it happened just as it did.

  9. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  10. IWNDWYT in a little town in Santa Fe.

  11. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  12. Nothing is ever enough for my fucking family. I'm literally putting my life on hold and moving into my grandparents home to take care of them and pay the mortgage they can't afford anymore. But, because I'm not interested in renting a van and taking a week off work to drive the family down to California I'm not family oriented and immature. I want liquor and I want it to fucking kill me.

  13. Setting boundaries; good for you. You sound like a saint from where I sit.

  14. I send you my love as you grieve for the life she could have had. I send you a tender hug and a kiss of the forehead. I am so sorry.

  15. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  16. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  17. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe. Spouse and I share 6 years combined sobriety. Seems so amazing!

  18. People deal with rejection in different ways. In a lot of ways, it is like a long-term relationship that breaks up - the reactions will be as varied as the people involved.

  19. “We’ll miss you, and/or I hope you find a place that you can worship that meets your needs.”

  20. This! I am amazed and disheartened at the number of replies here that say, "Well, if you are leaving and not coming back, what is the point of even talking to you?" 

  21. You’re so right. And your reply reminds me to stop, listen and validate. This small amount of time spent listening, is an invaluable gift.

  22. I will not drink with you today in a little town near Santa Fe. Sending out love to everyone trying to get or stay sober.

  23. I wish I could upvote this twice!

  24. I did not drink with you today in a little town near Santa Fe.

  25. Ranking scholarship applications for about 17 hours (yesterday and today) combine. Now, to take a hot bath and then write my father’s eulogy. I am sober and doing hard things as needed. Today, I need to tell the story of my dad’s beautiful contribution to this life. I can do this. Love from the little house of sober near Santa Fe.

  26. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  27. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  28. IWNDWYT in a little town near Santa Fe.

  29. Life is most certainly a mixed bag. Today I will take the good with the bad. IWNDWYT.

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