
  1. I think I provided legitimate criticism of JP in the video I put out. But when I posted it on this sub I got downvoted. And there was hardly a discussion in the comments.

  2. The sole reason that people dislike JBP is that they feel that the axioms of their beliefs are touched.

  3. "The sole reason" - The utter arrogance I see in this sub is staggering.

  4. Its a common woke trope that blacks feel unsafe around whites because doing the slightes thing wrong can lead them to being shot, attacked or end up in prison over nothing.

  5. I didn't ask for a "common woke trope". And claims about violence at the hands of police are not the same as the claim that you are suggesting.


  7. Your claim: The "Black Lives Matter cult" insists that "whites are disproportionately attacking blacks".

  8. If you try to borrow my granddaughter, you're not gonna like what happens

  9. This question is posted in this sub 5-10 times a week. Let me help you find some of the previous threads:

  10. Jordan Peterson really needs to hop off Twitter, or at least have someone proofread the shit he posts.

  11. Do you think that his Twitter presence is somehow not reflective of who he is and what he believes? In other words, you believe that he just "comes across as a wacky crack pot" on Twitter instead of, y'know, actually being a wacky crackpot??? I see this claim a lot on here and it makes no sense to me. He got on one of his solo armchair videos and said he'd rather die than delete one of his tweets. Yet people still think that his Twitter presence is somehow separate from his core beliefs and personality???

  12. Peterson believes that cars are a symbol of freedom. That implies that any attempt to reduce the amount of cars on our roads, even if people are waking up to the fact that cars destroy our cities and our health, is a totalitarian powergrab.

  13. It has nothing to do with the Daily Wire. This has always been who he is. He is a firebrand preacher with hero fantasies. That's why he sprinkles all the "bloody"s throughout his diatribes, gleefully wades into bullshit culture war issues no matter how insignificant, recorded those fucking embarrassing Bond-villain armchair soliloquy videos for DW, etc etc. It's who he is and it reflects his core values. A good vs evil worldview is all that the firebrand preacher is capable of. The only way he could have avoided his current state is if he never became famous.

  14. Always nice to have a reminder that this sub is a cesspool of angry, hateful tribalism

  15. "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world"

  16. Tbh I had no clue Danica (who represents a district close to mine) was trans. I thought she was just not the prettiest woman in the world until late last year.

  17. What beliefs is she trying to impress onto children?

  18. There are lots of well meaning people on the left but unfortunately they believe everything they are told by politicians, the media is just an arm of liberal politicians now for the most part. Politicians lie as easily as they breathe, everything they say should be challenged and questioned. Especially now with how crazy the left has become. Their agenda will bring nothing but poverty and destruction.

  19. THE LEFT believes everything they are told. Of course that is not true for myself or my broadly-defined tribe

  20. The Left doesn’t listen to the radio like the Right does. At least newstalk radio. We have a litany if talk show hosts from Rush Limbaugh to the Prager lineup. Or the newsman line up. Why? Because radio talk shows require debate and discussions that it’s that don’t fall apart with raw emotion rather than facts. We listen because the facts and news has been excellent prognosticators if the future. The decay of society. The Abandonment of two parent families, of patriotism, of individualism.

  21. This is genuinely one of the funnier things I've ever seen on the internet. Talk radio host filling hours upon hours per day with emotionally charged rants, insults, and hot takes? Well that requires debate and discussion, not raw emotion.

  22. The propaganda in this country is insane.

  23. Is that to say that you believe TC is a journalist, that other news outlets should not be conducting themselves like they are in this clip, or something else?

  24. Crazy that in the course of three comments “having an opinion on Elliot page” ends up as “taking away freedom from others”. These people cannot handle any push back without having a meltdown

  25. You're referring to JP's "opinions" on Elliott Page? For example, that it should be considered a criminal act for a doctor to perform GA surgery on a consenting adult? Is that maybe one of the opinions that somehow transformed into "taking freedom from others"?

  26. Gender affirming care isn't necessarily surgical at all actually

  27. A completely straightforward incontrovertible fact showered with downvotes. Yep, we're on the JP subreddit baby

  28. Is that another way of saying you're looking for emotional validation instead of challenging yourself?

  29. Never said Strickland was an eloquent speaker lol. You yourself admit he called the reporter an infection and the reporter is not trans or whatever only an ally.

  30. No need for name calling. I have adequately explained my position. I disagree with your assessment.

  31. Sorry for calling you an eel bro. I hope you're bringing that energy to Strickland here as well.

  32. I'm a western progressive and let me tell you, I love these Houthis. I can't fucking get enough of em. Every time I get together with my progressive squad, all we can talk is our deep abiding love for the Houthis.

  33. Simple slogans for simple minds. The James Lindsay special

  34. The episode of HH with Gilroy and Sullivan is fucking hilarious.

  35. Lisa's bit near the end about her sex life with Joe Rogan left me gasping for air

  36. What is a “hoax” is posting this title without mentioning that it is based on a letter to the British Medical Journal by a General Practitioner in 1998. And the writer of that letter is referencing something he says climate scientists said in 1993. 1993!

  37. I'm just wondering what makes you "like this sub" but this one is too far for you? This sub is a mixture of cheap rage bait, lazy right wing memes, and galaxy brain "just look into it bro" fucking bullshit like this. If this is too far for you, what are some examples of posts that you feel hit their mark?

  38. A subreddit for right wing hacks to share right wing hack content. Nothing more, nothing less

  39. Problem with their argument: the woke wave is way ahead of you. The illegals being rushed through the border cover all of the elites' bases. They'll do the dirty work dirt cheap, the quality of their work will be exactly what the elites desire, and they'll be discarded like tissue the instant the elites no longer need them. Meanwhile, guess who won't be living within those walls?

  40. Can someone explain to me how the "elites" are "rushing" or "importing" immigrants into the country? If your answer is "weakening border controls", then that's not actually a valid answer, but I'd love an example of that all the same.

  41. You needn't limit yourself to a single fedora

  42. 2024 seems to be slipping beyond the margin of cheating and the democrats are worried.

  43. Here we are. A populace that is completely incapable of evaluating what is true or false. Who gives a shit really? The blatantly obvious conspiracy theories make you feel good, so that's what's true. After all of this nonsense was laughed out of court, after the fucking Pillow Guy "cyber symposium" and the Cyber Ninjas and countless embarrassing attempts at pleading this case, after Sydney Powell and Lin Wood and the rest of this parade of clowns, here we are FOUR FUCKING YEARS LATER with Trump as the front runner and upvoting drivel like this. There have been so many warning signs that this was where we were heading as a society and it's still so shocking to see it happening in front of your face.

  44. Mr./Ms. Anti-geniality (i.e.: most argumentative & standoffish with Scott)

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