
  1. I'm on a break, but someone showed me this and I'll defend myself real quick.

  2. I absolutely love this LOL. professional challenger excel skills right there! good stuff :D

  3. Thanks for the ping! Haven't logged in for awhile this is amazing

  4. I dont think he needs to be buffed tho but anyways more damage for me

  5. He needs buffs for high elo + competitive. That's the only reason why he's getting buffed.

  6. you can contact them here and they can most likely revert the deletion

  7. She's never played a ranked game on stream and she used to play

  8. Vienna is masters and I've played vs her countless of times in solo q in masters last year. just because people take a break and don't tryhard 24/7 doesn't mean their skill or achievements are gone. a lot of professional players in LCS/LEC highest accounts are diamond and not challenger because they too are not enjoying the state of solo q but you can't say they aren't pros anymore just because of not wanting to play solo q. - IKeepItTaco

  9. I've played Vienna in solo queue masters too - all of the evidence points to the fact that the Vienna who was playing in masters is not the same Vienna who runs the vtuber account

  10. Vienna who was playing in masters is the same Vienna who runs the vtuber account. She avoids playing on her main account because when you play high elo you're going to have to tryhard to win the games so you can't interact with chat, you're going to get a lot of sexists assholes, you're going to get stream snipers and ghosters, and many more! there's a reason why most streamers don't play on their mains and play on smurfs, me included. and if you had any idea on how smurfing works you would understand that smurfing has SMURFS queue. I'm looking at her 2-7 game and people were all smurfing from atleast low diamond level. If you click on jax on her team he was unranked and 1 month later he is hardstuck diamond 3. EVERY person in that "silver" game was a smurf and their original ranks are diamond. You have no clue what you're talking about.

  11. THANK YOU SO MUCH SHIRO AND TO ALL OF YOU JHIN MAINS IN THE COMMUNITY <3 thanks for all the support over the years and I might not be able to be as active on reddit as I used to be, but I'm always lurking and enjoying the subreddit! Can't wait till my sickness is gone so I can get back to meme'ing with y'all!

  12. I was going to congratulate you, but looking at the pictures then the comments of accusing it as fake then backing it up with proof. It is indeed photoshopped. Your post history has a history of posting photoshopped Jhin memes too so this being photoshopped does not surprise me.

  13. Please post original content. You're just copying from their VODs and adding a thumbnail to it.

  14. During the regular season, in Jhin's current state, he would most likely receive some kind of nerf. But, the season is about to end and the new pre-season changes will buff and nerf many champions in the game through items. So, Riot doesn't want to touch him with that around the corner.

  15. Hey, guys. I'll keep this short because I've been drinking, sleeping, head hurts, and I want to go back to sleeping everything away again.

  16. This is a play I can most definitely be proud of :D You played it beautifully! Well done.

  17. Thank you Taco I really like your froggy character it's very cute

  18. Luckily, I was able to see this and reply to it on twitter. But, I wanted to say it here too. Thanks again for the art :D It's beautiful and I'm very grateful to you and everyone else! This is truly the best community out there.

  19. I might not be able to be as active in terms of replying, but I check out the subreddit a lot and everyone's wonderful memes :D Well done again! Gave me a good laugh

  20. Yes! A lot of Jhin mains, including me. Love playing Aphelios because he has the same immobile, weird mechanic, need to think about abilities to use kind of vibe. Compared to the traditional right click only ADC.

  21. Just to clarify. The best Jhin NA is actually "BillyBobJew". I'm currently stuck in D1/Masters trying to get back to Challenger. I haven't called myself the Best Jhin in NA. I do my best to improve and play well. I've never met the guy or talked to him. His brothers actually stream sniped, ghosted, and flamed me too. If he thinks he's better than Billy and the other high elo Jhin mains (Jhineric ADC, Four, Language, etc) then so be it. Let's just make sure not to give him the attention he wants. I'm proud of this community since most of Jhin mains are chill but seeing toxic ones is disappointing.

  22. Thanks for being humble my man. I just find this video so satisfying as Yami expressed the exact same sentiment that I feel, personally I have no problem when people falsely claim to be "rank 1" or whatever, but putting you down another thing and that is too toxic for me. Also Yami being such a bro is so nice to see.

  23. I feel ya! I found the video satisfying as well and the sentiment is there. Happy you enjoy the content and I'm proud of you guys :D

  24. Is it normal that I find the original skin's auto attacks and animations more fluid and easier to see?

  25. Yes, that is normal! Because it always comes down to what you personally feel is fluid and easier. It turns out the highest percentage goes to High Noon/Dark Cosmic. But, it's all preference in the end!

  26. Ay man, awesome guide as always. Something I noticed though—with all the healing going on right now between Ocean Drake, Conqueror, Bloodline, Senna, etc. I'm surprised to see barely any mention of Executioners or Mortal Reminder.

  27. You overestimate the healing power of Ocean Drake, Conqueror, and Bloodline. Senna too to some extent. Mortal Reminder and Lord Dominik's are pretty basic.

  28. From what I've seen on Twitter you can still get high bitrate via the EU ingest. So using London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt might work as a temporary workaround. Just because an ingest is closer geographically doesn't necessarily mean it's also better from a connection point of view.

  29. Hey! Thanks for the reply! It looks like certain servers in EU give 5k+ bitrate. Any idea why this is the case when NA servers are giving 100-200?

  30. YES. Obs is dropping over 95% of frames and twitch can't decode my streams

  31. I believe AT&T has target blocked OBS to reduce the bandwidth used from streaming. My internet works with everything except OBS. I heard people were having slower internet due to the high usage from everyone as a whole and I think we took the bullet. This is so frustrating.

  32. I lost my job and twitch streaming is my only way to possibly make money. This is straight ass.

  33. Twitch is my full-time job and I stream to 1-2k viewers a day. I can relate to it more than ever. I hope they revert/fix it, otherwise, it's going to be a grueling 10 days till I can switch when the other ISP open due to covid pause.

  34. Hey! Jokes aside, thanks for your comment and concern

  35. Hello, Lucifer! I'm tried to let people know through the twitch title/youtube/discord about my cold flu 3 weeks ago and that it's been on-going. Sorry if you didn't manage to see any of them!

  36. Thank you! And stay safe too! I hope not too many people get sick in the coming weeks.

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