
  1. I’ve lost a lot of fat and gained muscle last year but my number on the scale is exavtly the same as it was last year. My biggest advice is protein powder daily (and creatine) and just make sure you’re lifting as heavy as you can.

  2. any specific advice for someone who has never taken creatine before?

  3. best tip is be patient. its a long and slow journey. but its healthier and more sustainable than bulking and cutting or crash dieting and binging

  4. Basically, close the gap. Make yourself close to her and initiate light physical touching - her arm, knee, small of her back. Nothing sexual, just getting comfortable with intimate proximity.

  5. do not touch anyone without their consent

  6. If that's what you need to keep yourself from assaulting people then do it

  7. unless youve made a commitment, or lied to someone, theres nothing to feel bad about.

  8. i dont think its a healthy concept. our bodies change over time. thats normal. lean body mass makes sense, body fat percentage makes sense, but 'base weight' and BMI dont really.

  9. just be honest from the beginning. if you want to be casual be casual. if you want to be poly, be poly. but dont pretend to be monogamous when youre not.

  10. yeah like ive missed out on a few great girls by telling them i wanted to be casual. but ive also had some great times being casual/poly without needing to sneak around at all, and for me thats a pretty cool feeling. you can have your cake and eat it too, if you have the guts to ask for the cake in the first place.

  11. people arent poly, poly is a type of relationship, not a type of person

  12. being nice is good game. but it has nothing to do with being boring or platonic. you can be nice, interesting, and romantic all at the same time. just work the steps. make the approach, signal intent (no friend zone), build intimacy (dont be boring), and then escalate with consent. you can do all of this while being nice. and being nice will help in every area.

  13. my best advice is dont rely on discipline or willpower. they will fail eventually. rely on laziness. make sticking to your diet the easiest most low-effort option. make cheating on your diet very difficult and inconvenient. structure your life so dieting is the easy and natural choice. and make sure your diet is enjoyable enough that you can stick with it for life with no major effort, discipline or willpower. it should be easy and natural.

  14. for sure. i've had very intimate and 'lovy dovy' friendships, without sex. queerplatonic friendships

  15. Ethics is funny stuff, and I won’t claim expertise, but I’m much more open to people exploring what they want to explore, as long as they’re aware of the landscape. Why should I make their decision for them? No one fits in the boxes they use to describe themselves, so what’s the point in policing their cell?

  16. It's not funny. Respect people's boundaries. Dont run over their boundaries and then act like it's on them to enforce consequences later.

  17. Who’s taking about running over people’s boundaries? If someone calls themselves monogamous and yet freely chooses to date someone that they know has another partner, that’s on them. Life is complicated and ethics is ambiguous, at best. I’m not their nanny.

  18. When someone says they're gonna bend their standards for you that's a red flag

  19. You are absolutely not wrong. It is so much harder now to find a relationship due to social media, the economy, and the government.

  20. Lol blaming the government for your lack of game ?

  21. poly and mono are types of relationships, not types of people

  22. To an extent. You gotta read the room, that skill is essential with life and with women. If she's looks uncomfortable already then definitely don't.

  23. you dont gotta read the room, you do gotta ask for consent.

  24. I understand the sentiment but on first dates, light touches are acceptable.

  25. nope. no touching is okay without consent.

  26. relationships can be poly. not people. poly isnt an orientation, its an agreement,

  27. nothing makes you poly. poly is a type of relationship. not a type of person

  28. people arent poly. poly is a type of relationship, not a type of person.

  29. of course it can. why would it not? parallel is generally the easiest form of poly to manage because there is the least crossover between partners, the fewest moving parts. its a lot easier than KTP.

  30. Well damn. I’m anti-social with everyone else as well. Even more so with women

  31. Work on your social skills . They're just like any other set of skills

  32. you dont need to be manly to have game, and tons of gay dudes are manly AF

  33. Find new women. Once they see you as feminine, you won’t change their mind. Hit the gym hard. Lift with intensity 4-5 times per week and eat a lot of food (with an emphasis on protein consumption) to gain weight. I don’t care if you put on some fat, it will happen and it will be fine. You can fix that later.

  34. lmfao you dont need to be masculine to have game GTFO

  35. style is important but usually its their personality.

  36. in general; as much detail as your partner has consented to you sharing. have a discussion with them

  37. people arent poly thats a type of relationship, not a type of person

  38. based on this post your personality and shallowness are def the main issues. honestly i feel bad for these 'overweight ' women who feel the need to lower their standards for you. they can do better

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