
  1. yeah, i dont remember the last time weve had them tho

  2. Were they good, tho? Sometimes, they either stop serving it due to complaints or just stop giving them out randomly. My elementary school did it once.

  3. they were in middle school, and then they sucked once we got too high school, however i think its just out of chance that they haven't served them in a while, as im pretty sure they've been served earlier in the year

  4. The squishable luna moth! They have other cute moth plushes as well :)

  5. i have their rosy maple moth on my bed right now

  6. i just got home from a weekend full of fun! friday was set up so i helped my grandparents set up there shop (mainly by watching my aunts dog). saturday was all the events, did youth archery (it was a small event, maybe 60 people in total, so only 3 people including me competed in archery), tied in bean bag toss with 108 points, had a potluck, played lots of bocce ball, and ended the night with doing some barding around the fires. Got some cool shoes out of the treasure chest and got a doll from the box for the kids at the event. The next day was pack up so we played some more bocce ball and then my aunt taught me how to make yarn on both a drop spindle and a spinning wheel. It was so much fun and I can't wait until the next event!

  7. For some reason I thought the peach was a hand

  8. I know it's not a big deal, I was mainly commenting on the taller = eating more

  9. I know about out liners, I didn't notice you said that

  10. Silly weevil, dw lots of people see weevils and think bbs so you're not alone. Try cross posting to

  11. I agree, Damselfly nymphs are adorable, and very important predators, who even eat mosquito larvae

  12. Always!!!! I took entymology in college, and my proffesor’s study is midge flies. If they’re found in water, usually is a good sign that the water is safe. He loved bugs of any kind, and I still keep in touch till this day. He is a kind person, and extremely nerdy. :D

  13. Guys I don't know what to do. I'm home alone for 5 weeks and every time I attempt to get near the spider I cry and get a panic attack. I have arachnophobia, I'm absolutely terrified of spiders. I don't know what to do, does anyone have any advice?😭

  14. He’s harmless, and great to have around, but if you don’t want him in the room you could get a cup or Tupperware and cover him, then slide a piece of paper underneath and then you can take him outside

  15. That’s so cool. I genuinely had to do a double take. Like who’s posting wasps on

  16. Yeah I took a double take too, it was the thorax that gave it away for me.

  17. Yeah, they looked similar to a wasps when far away, closer up you can see the floofs

  18. dear gods I miss read flag as leg and got very confused

  19. Guys I do think this was meant to be a joke (granted a bad joke) and considering this picture has been on the internet for quite a while, I don’t think this is OOPs baby.

  20. Assuming that’s the case: there’s a line between dark humor and just being fucked up, and a pedophilia joke about your own child crosses that line.

  21. I don’t think this was their own child, I’ve seen this meme posted to other subs, I do agree it was a bad joke.

  22. I was actually being snarky;) Bc it’s an itty bitty bug bite. (I wouldn’t worry about such a tiny bite). BTW there’s no such thing as a Brazilian Wandering spider😉

  23. Oh sorry, however what do you mean by Brazilian wandering spiders not existing?

  24. You can compare to the one I posted to check

  25. It looks similar, but I think this body looks a little different and I can’t see the elytra on this one

  26. Please do not pick up toads or frogs without gloves, the oils on your hand seeps into their skin and can damage them

  27. How you know it‘s a male? Genuinely curious.

  28. The pinchers are curved, females have pinchers that are more straight

  29. Thank you. Anything to help a weevil friend in need

  30. Silly little goobers getting stuck in places they shouldn't be lol

  31. Yeah, at least it was a weevil and not the mating damselflies I got out of a web!

  32. I have my little pony ones and emoji ones (they are from a long time ago at a birthday party) and I still use them

  33. Last day? Shit, just wait until it’s over and run like hell.

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